Quite the weekend of drama. We’ve got a lot to cover…but first:
Over the years, Current Revolt has been accused of many things, including:
Setting up recording devices across Houston bars
Being funded by Tim Dunn
Being funded by Dade Phelan
Working with federal agencies
All works of fiction, of course, but fun nevertheless.
Yesterday, a blast of text messages were sent out to delegates from an anonymous number, linking a story we wrote a couple months ago about the 911 domestic violence call involving Republican Party of Texas chair candidate Abraham George.
The texts cited Current Revolt multiple times and contained inaccurate information regarding the content of our reporting, as well as grammatical errors. Some people assumed that just because CR was cited that the texts must be from us. The texts and responses from George were also extremely annoying.
For the record, the texts are not from us. If Current Revolt wanted to send out mass messages to RPT delegates, we would simply write up an article and push it out, like we are now. An overwhelming number of RPT delegates are already subscribers to our newsletter. Additionally, our mass texts would be funny, accurate, and interesting, which is completely opposite of the texts sent yesterday. Our texts would also be appropriately labeled as coming from us and not anonymous.
We’re big on transparency. For those who don’t know, I used to work for Empower Texans, and one of the people who taught me how important transparency was the late Ross Kecseg. I would often see Ross in his office, a whiteboard beside him, connecting organizations to other organizations, running TEC reports, and exposing the people behind random secret PACs and shadow organizations. Ross was the first person to teach me how to navigate the Texas Ethics Commission website.
Current Revolt has been so focused on transparency that we were the first news outlet to expose that Twitter political celebrities were being paid to post messages in defense of Ken Paxton without disclosing who paid them.
The irony now is that the same people who are actively promoting Abraham George are against laws that would require transparency in showing who would be funding these sorts of undisclosed paid tweets.
In summary, the highly annoying mass text messages are not from us; the sender got the info wrong, they’re lame and unfunny, and they’re annoying. Not our style.
Here at Current Revolt, it’s always been our job to expose scams, liars, cheaters, and thieves. We’re quite good at it. I’ve personally found that nobody is consistent in their ethics or morals. People love us or hate us depending on who is being exposed and not what is being exposed.
This is basically what we’re dealing with:
If the guy I hate is doing something bad, expose him!
If the guy I like is doing something bad and you expose him, you’re a RINO!
I remember the drama behind Jeff Leach and his glorified traffic ticket. Several people called for him to resign and accused him of bribing police with a $5 Starbucks gift card. (The real crime was that it was only $5! Can you even buy a drink at Starbucks for $5?!). Some media outlets wrote nine hundred words talking about his traffic ticket. Those same media outlets have yet to write a single word about the 911 incident with George. Why? Because they’re all adjacent organizations whose sole purpose isn’t to feed you news, it’s to feed you approved messaging and propaganda.
Konni Burton of The Texan said it best:
Current Revolt doesn’t exist to get specific politicians elected; we exist to expose scams, liars, and cheaters. If you want to be mentally circlejerked, there are some right-leaning media organizations out there that will gladly take your donations on top of the ones they’re getting from billionaires.
But if you want the truth, we’re here for that.
As they say, the truth hurts.
And we’re going to hurt you sometimes.
- Tony Ortiz
Matt Mackowiak Spent a Lot of Money on “Deck Work”
Matt Mackowiak announced his run for RPT chair this week, immediately going on the attack against one of his opponents, Abraham George.
Screenshots of Venmo transactions from Mackowiak to a very busty Florida-based Latina have surfaced, showing payments for “deck work” and “front lawn projects.”
We spoke to Mackowiak, who confirmed the payments. Mackowiak gave us the following statement:
I was providing short-term financial support to someone I was dating for three months while I was single. - Matt Mackowiak
Additionally, a review of some of the follows in Mackowiak’s Instagram show numerous followings of busty women, including some that have links to OnlyFans/Patreon accounts.
WARNING: Not safe for work images (click to enlarge)

Kinda gives us flashbacks to the Shilo Platts situation where Platts announced, and then proceeded to drop less than 24 hours later for forgetting to hide his Twitter-likes of porn stars.
More Sign Stealing Shananighans
Video posted this weekend from Twitter account @BetoShredding alleges that a Fort Worth Jewelry store owner stole a campaign sign.
The sign supposedly contained information that was critical of Craig Goldman, who is a candidate for Congress CD 12.
The sign was tracked down when the owner hid an Apple AirTag inside the sign.
Goldman faces off against John O’Shea later this week in the runoff.
Facebook Providing Cover for Brent Hagenbuch?
In the highly watched runoff race for Senate District 30, Facebook users noticed that a website critical of Brent Hagenbuch was suddenly banned from being linked online.
Erin Anderson from Texas Scorecard was the first to report:
The website, FailedLeader.com, is immediately removed anytime a user on Facebook attempts to link it.
Over 50 comments on Anderson’s Facebook page show users confirming the link block by Facebook. Even attempts to shorten the URL using tinyurl failed to work.
A photo sent to us, seemingly taken from an early 2000s-era Motorola Razr, from a Hagenbuch rally last week shows very lackluster attendance.
BONUS: Sign Creepin’
Paul Chabot sent video alleging to be Representative Frederick Frazier watching as Chabot and others put out Fire Frazier signs.
Chabot said they were unable to 100% confirm the car belonged to Frazier but a photo of a white truck posted on Frazier’s Facebook campaign page shows a white truck with similar windows.
Nothin’ wrong with some sign watching! But still a funny video.
We’ll be at convention all week filming content and doing on-site interviews. Reach out if you’d like to chat!
You hit the nail on the head with what some activists and connected groups want covered
Can you imagine what would have happened if we had an AG who the activists hated who was connected to Dade Phelan? Oh how they would have loved the impeachment
Or imagine what would have happened had the Slaton incident been from someone who was tied to Phelan or TLR or some moderate group?
When it becomes people over principles, at all costs, then you are engaging in idol worship and not real political activism based on principles
This weekend’s texts were disgusting and very unfunny. How could anyone think it was y’all? Have a great time at convention! I look forward to your coverage.