17 Year Old Republican Election Judges in Zapata County?
Mom says they "couldn't find anyone else"
What happens when you can’t find anyone to work a polling location?
Well in Zapata county, you might just get a 17 year old to run it.
Sources we spoke to in Zapata County told us that in Precinct 1 a 17 year old worked as Republican election judge.
We reached out to both the elections office as well as the mother of the 17 year old, both confirm he was an election judge for the precinct yesterday.
When Current Revolt spoke to the mother, Celica Rodriguez, who works at the Zapata County Clerk office, she confirmed her son was indeed 17 and they “couldn’t find anyone else” to work the polling location. We confirmed Rodriguez also has 22 and 26 year old sons. We pulled Celica Rodriguez’s voting record and confirmed she had a very strong Democrat voting history.
Sources we spoke to told us that the 17 year old was asked if he was interested in being a Republican when he turned 18. We’re told he responded by saying “what is that?”
When he was asked if he was a Democrat, he responded “I don’t know what that means.”
We attempted to pull the 17 year old’s voting record to evaluate if he voted Republican, but because he was 17, he had no record.
We’re not fully aware of legal requirements for polling locations, or if 17 year olds are even allowed to be election judges at polling locations. But we do think people should be asking questions. If you live in Zapata county, drop us a line in the comments below.
We obviously have very secure very serious elections here in the great state of Texas.
17 year olds are definitely NOT allowed to be election judges. Who is calling the SOS?