Greg Abbott Cancels Christmas For OVER HALF the SREC and RPT Staff
Want some holiday spirit? Well, you won’t get it at Abbott’s Christmas party if you aren’t an establishment lemon caucus member.
We have received confirmation from several of our secret squirrels that more than half of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) were not invited to Abbott’s Christmas Party at the Governor’s Mansion last Saturday. Keep in mind that every SREC member and RPT staff was invited to these parties in the past. Many newly elected SREC members were not invited. We are told even Texas GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi was not invited.
Why was this new policy implemented you ask? Is it for social distancing? Are there not enough Christmas trees? Some clues can be found regarding Abbott’s non-SREC guests; clearly Abbott has politicized Christmas.
Exhibit A: James “Lil” Dickey
Despite fading into irrelevancy and looking like he received his 666th booster shot, Dickey still enjoys the company of Austin elites, including at Christmas parties in the Governor’s mansion. To normal people, he’s known for letting Democrats win numerous Texas races in 2018, running the worst convention in Texas GOP history, getting outsmarted by Houston liberals, getting wrecked in a landslide by Allen West, and even losing to literal anarchist Amy Hedke in some Senate districts (SDs).
Regardless, he still got to attend Abbott’s Christmas party for no reason other than his ingratiation with Austin’s magic suits. He enjoys no position or prestige, but hobnobs with those actually successful in scam perpetration. However, Dickey wasn’t the only establishment type individual invited.
Exhibit B: Cat Parks

RPT Vice-Chair and infamous suspected furry, Cat Parks was also invited. During her tenure, she’s attempted to subvert the Texas GOP and give conservative Texans the bird. For instance, she defended child castration-enabler Dade Phelan, and condemned actual conservatives for “narrowly focusing” on things that matter.
She’s also known for working with the Texas Young Reprobates (Young Republicans), who were also invited, and the Log Cabin Republicans in shifting the GOP’s position on LGBTLSDNFTXYZWTF issues further Left. In a nutshell, backstabbing Texans means nothing to her as long as the perpetrators have a magic “R” by their names, although everyone knows an R next to a name means absolutely nothing nowadays.
Like Dickey however, she cozied up to Abbott, even joining him in his war on free speech. It seems like the only people allowed at Abbott’s Christmas celebration were those aiding and abetting his screw jobs.
So, what does this mean for you?
For one thing, vote against ALL incumbents in your primaries (except the actual good ones like Rep. Bryan Slaton and Sen. Bob Hall) and become a precinct chair for your county GOP. When you become a precinct chair, you have a more direct voice in your county party. Other privileges you have as a precinct chair include voting on matters concerning the local party’s governance, leading the grassroots in your area, and voting in SREC and RPT chairman races.
Assuming they’re not technologically incompetent, chances are the county GOP has procedures on how to become a precinct chair available on their website. Also, unlike Texas Young Republicans, they will want to know if you’ve voted in recent elections, so it’s ensured you’re committed to liberty and sanity in your community. Keep this up, and we can ensure Abbott has to spend next Christmas alone, and guarantee he’s dethroned by either West, Huffines, or Prather.
On an unrelated note, Die Hard is a Christmas film; never let anyone tell you different. Besides, it’s more enjoyable than anything Hallmark craps out.