Abbott Caught Backing Child Abuse
Apparently Comet Ping Pong has an Austin location. After Abbott’s Texas Rangers claimed to find “no signs of abuse,” it’s been confirmed The Refuge, a place posing as a haven for sex-trafficking victims, exploits and uses them for child porn. In fact, it’s so egregious Judge Janice Jack called for a Federal probe due to Abbott’s horrific mishandling of the case.
In light of support from Abbott, it makes sense the Texas Rangers initially declared nothing happened at the ironically named “Refuge.” However, a bigger question remains: why would the self-proclaimed Governor of Texas who brags about his “conservativeness” not only back but continue supporting a place preying on abused girls?
Considering unrepentant Abbott supporters are retarded (they think primaries split the vote), Abbott’s votes in the 2022 General Election are unlikely to plummet from this scandal. Something that seems odd though is how few in Texas politics are speaking up against incompetence displayed by the Abbott Administration.
If the Abbott administration knowingly backed the child porn ring, the silence would make sense in light of what happens to politicians exposing debauchery in high places.
It would also explain why Texas elected officials, Abbott especially, have done almost nothing to protect children from predators, whether in children’s homes or at school. Both parties have no interest in protecting kids, both get donations from child genital mutilators, and both abet those grooming children in school, complete with effeminizing and humiliation rituals.
If they will greenlight the aforementioned to children in public, imagine what they will allow for kids in private.
Do not blame us though; we at Current Revolt voted for candidates that would not go along with degeneracy, among them either Huffines, West, or Prather for governor. Remember, this situation could have been avoided if people were more serious about holding leadership accountable.