Abbott Fake-Steals Democrat’s Paychecks as Scapegoat For Phelan & Cronies’ Failed Session
After canceling the paychecks of millions of Texans with his tyrannical cold virus war, Greg Abbott is trying to cancel the paychecks of those rascally Demonrats.
(Spoiler – It’s a scam.)
Texas House Democrats are asking the state’s Supreme Court to overturn Gov. Greg Abbott’s veto of a budget provision that funds the Legislature, charging that his action was unconstitutional.
The suit, filed Friday morning, argues that Abbott’s veto, which could lead to about 2,000 legislative staffers not being paid for two years, violates the separation-of-powers clauses in the Texas Constitution. The Texas House members were joined in the suit by legislative staffers, the Texas AFL-CIO and several legislative caucuses.
“If the governor is permitted to zero out the budget of the legislative branch until he gets what he wants, he similarly will be able to eliminate the budget of the judiciary until he gets what he wants,” said Chad Dunn, an attorney for the 50 Democrats who filed the suit. “If we have learned anything of recent history, or for that matter long history, it’s that once that executive gets a power, it will be forever used.”
Dunn said that Abbott’s veto, if left unchecked, would give future governors a dangerous weapon against the Texas Constitution.
First I want to say that the ads on the Dallas Morning News website are getting preposterous. There was a video ad playing behind the text of a menu, ads moving all over the place, etc. They are still much less vulgar than the Star-Telergam, which has become Idiocracy incarnate.
Here Chad Dunn is representing the Democratic Party against Bad Man Greg Abbott, and let me tell you, Chad is no chad.
Apparently this is the lawyer who has been attacking our State with endless lawsuits trying to force us to do the vote-by-mail scam, with the reason being ‘there’s a virus and the TV said it’s pretty scary.’
Abbott issued his veto in response to the Legislature’s failure to approve and send to him a controversial GOP elections bill.
Democrats argue that the legislation is designed to suppress the votes of Black and Hispanic residents.
If this legislation is going to suppress the votes of blacks and hispanics, then this lawyer’s plan for universal 3am suitcase ballots is going to suppress the votes of whites.
House Democrats killed the bill the day before the regular legislative session adjourned by walking out of the House chamber, denying Republicans the quorum needed to pass the bill.
So what is ostensibly happening is Greg Abbott retaliating against the Democrats for leaving the chamber during (effectively) the last few hours of the legislative session, failing to vote on whatever election reform bill was cooked up. I never read the final version, because I simply have limited bandwidth. That, and our bigger problem is all these other states cheating to hell in their elections, which then empowers the oppressive US government to do things to harm and punish us for disagreeing with their policy of giving away our land to foreigners because we are personally guilty of doing racist slavery.
What is really happening is that Greg Abbott is doing an indirect favor to Phelan and his inner circle. Abbott is pretending to be a big bully by doing something that, when I heard about it said to myself, “this is a crossing the Rubicon of scams” because it’s so offensively fake.
Abbott is using himself to absorb the criticism of the failed session by attacking the Democrats and blaming them for the failed session, which gives cover to House Leadership for their own handcrafted Screw Job Session delivered to the people of Texas.
Abbott also has to try and soften the blows against him by the Current Revolt-right for his insanely illegal virus declarations by balancing that with his exceedingly illegal “Guess what Demonrats, I’m taking all your money” stunt.
In people’s mind they will say, “Well, yeah, Abbott did do that thing where he canceled church on Easter and locked us in our houses except for being able to go to Kroger. But he also tried to strong-arm all these Democrats into doing his bidding on election stuff. So I guess Abbott is just doing illegal stuff across the board. Seems like a straight shooter.”
Here we have this fake fight, and by pure coincidence all 3 parties of Abbott, Democrats, and Republican House Leadership emerge feeling very good about the situation in their own way. Look at the dramatic photo the Dallas Morning News used to show how these Democrats are very seriously trying to stop Hitler suppressing everyone’s votes with ID requirements.
I would bet Phelan and other House cronies were not communicating with Abbott at all on this. It’s too silly to think any of them would have agreed that Aboott should actually try this.
Abbott will look stupid right here, but also like he’s just crazy and doing illegal things to stop the Democrat’s by any means necessary. In reality, he’s doing an unsolicited favor to House Leadership, who tee’d up some terrible votes that exposed a large number of Republican traitors thanks to procedural moves by Slaton, Cason, Tinderholt and a few others. Abbott is signaling that he’s the $40M baller, shot-caller and everyone needs to line up and hitch their wagon to his hot-wheels because mommy Abbott will finance any Republican traitor’s campaign who has a primary challenger.
Abbott wants to ensure he goes from Virus Mommy to Daddy Great Reset, and this is just the first Screw Job Session in a trilogy of that saga. He’s got more fun planned for us, which is why he’s still running despite no one liking him.
I wish someone good was challenging Abbott.
It’d be nice if we had someone in charge who was strong.
Someone really strong, and maybe with a mustache.
I know just the guy, actually.