Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Monday that his office stripped 1,930 foreigners of their Democrat-given right to illegally vote in American elections. The move came amidst a purge of over 1 million questionable voter registrations from the Texas voter rolls.
After the 2020 election, where Joe Brandon and the Democratic Party were miraculously able to get record turnout for a senile old man who didn’t even campaign, many Texans realized our elections were not as secure as we once believed.
Texans tried protesting the 2020 election to the Supreme Court, but SCOTUS declared that Texans have no standing in a presidential election, and that Texans suffer no harm from fake elections being held in other states.
So what can we do?
What Texas needs is a Voter Roll Czar— a little old grass-roots Republican lady to furiously purge the voter rolls. I know a dozen off the top of my head who’re up for the task.
There is much more Abbott could do as Governor to protect Texans, but this is a good first step. That said, Current Revolt challenges Gov. Abbott to step up his game and purge another million by Election Day.
Just watch... The Democrats will delete them per the order and then put them right back on in a very sneaky timing just to run the fake ballots and then they'll remove the dead people again...
So tell me Current Revolt... How many prosecutions have we had since 2021 under Senate Bill 1, 5 and 1113 or House Bill 574 ?? Enquiring minds would like to know. Talk is cheap. Actions are what count and Abbott has been really short on actions with consequences. Why do Texans keep falling for this crap? I want to see proof of all the fake voters removed.