Texas A&M University leads the nation in finding creative ways to promote weird things, and their latest hijinks add new and exciting twists to otherwise stale CRT and anti-white passive aggressive rhetoric.
As lifelong Texans know, Texas A&M has always produced weirdos. However, these were the best weirdos. I’m sure you know what I mean, if you are from Texas.
You know them, they’re weird, but also kind of a role model. Growing up, these were the kind of weirdos you wanted in your community, but at some point, things got bad weird. Things went on and gradually, and then suddenly, A&M became a juggernaut for the woke and weird industrial complex.
The stories have been endless.
(Search “A&M” in CR archives, I simply don’t have the energy to post all the A&M links again.)
This may need to be looked at further, as I lay out this very detailed analysis on the ethos of the Aggie. Perhaps later we will explore the kinetic shifts in weirdness of College Station graduates reflected in outwardly unusual tendencies aggregated by antisocial behaviors. We may need to launch an investigation into those rings as well.
The latest weird thing relates to an email allegedly sent by an A&M faculty member where they reveal that whites and asians are banned from applying to attend a conference.
All I know about this group hosting the conference is that they appear to host networking events where whites and asians are not the target audience. That’s all I care to know really, given that I am white or asian myself. It would be awkward if white or asian students went, if you think about it.
However, Abbott took one look and said it was illegal to h-e-double hockey sticks.
But then, some asian said it was not illegal.
I don’t know why Asians would even care about this. Everyone knows asians can have their own events.
However, if whites ever put it in writing that they want to get together, Katy bar the door because reflexive disavowals will be coming for years.
It’s a weird reflex beyond the nonsensical “racism” hoax that all children are programmed with. You probably have this reflex as well.
For example, which of these is not allowed?
Under classical libtardism, the second photo is not allowed. However, there are millions and millions of the second photo, and very few of the first, it would seem.
I can’t say I care about this particular event at A&M, but what is the plan going forward for racial advocacy? Are we going to ban them all, or allow them all? Otherwise, we are left in a psychologically handicapped libtard no-man’s-land. That’s not fit for governing a state like Texas.