Fresh off an $18 million taxpayer giveaway to TIAA, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has apparently signed a treaty with France?
I mean, OK. What? Why?
The constitution says States cannot enter into any treaties.
In some ways this treaty is more offensive than the usual $18M cash giveaway, since the US Constitution does not ban States from giving money taken from taxpayers directly to corporations doing pride parades.
Abbott uses really slippery language in the “joint statement of intent,” saying it’s not legally binding, but they’re just going to do it anyway. Oh, and they’re going to do it for five years.
It’s the same sort of “soft treaty” the US government illegally enters into and renews periodically. They do this a lot, actually.
One you may be familiar with is the “Paris Agreement,” an illegal treaty amongst various governments working with international corporations to change the weather by lowering US citizen’s standard of living with regulatory schemes.
Like many governments, San Antonio adopted a plan which they say meets or exceeds the Paris Agreement’s agenda to ban fossil fuels to bring about a new ice age.
You can read the plan here:
They come out with these trendy plans in pdf, and everyone feels like they are saving the earth. It’s only years later you find out the whole plan begins and ends with shutting off your power.
They shut off coal power plants with no plan to replace them because they want to raise prices, thus forcing you to use less electricity.
Famous for his icy windmills, Abbott’s treaty says he will work with France on “energy transition investment.”
Sounds amazing, right?
I can’t wait for my low-carbon electricity delivery. How much is that going to cost?
It would be nice if Abbott ignored the part of the US Constitution that bans Texas from deporting illegal aliens, instead of ignoring the part that says Texas can’t enter into treaties.
Is Abbott lining up allies because he’s planning a secession‽‽‽
Abbot or his buddies very likely have purchased stock in that company or he is planning on taking in many of France's muslim bitter clingers that they don't want. Either way I can' t get past the level of ignorance and stupidity that Abbott supporters have in that sell out.