Just one week after getting re-elected by voting machines, Greg Abbott is back to his old tricks of hoaxing his way onto Fox News appearances with political stunts.
The Texas Governor shared on Twitter he is “invoking” the invasion clause of the Constitution. It’s implied this action gives Abbott special powers, all because he said the word “invoke.”

Despite defeating the mega loser known as Beto by double-digits, Abbott has no real plans to acknowledge those who elected him and advance the agenda they want. When you slowly read his list of bullet points, you can see this is another hoax.
Abbott’s “unprecedented” repercussions look strikingly similar to his previous limp-wristed strategy, as confirmed by his own Budget Director.
While traitorously ridiculous, it is unsurprising nonetheless. We witnessed him ignore Texas’s wellbeing numerous times, and we did not see why this is any different. If the above tweet was overlong, this guy puts it in bullet points.
It’s understandable why people want to believe this is real. People are suffering mentally, financially (and physically if they got vaxxed) with Abbott taking advantage of them by pretending he is going to solve a major problem for them.
Unfortunately it’s a hoax. Abbott seems fine with keeping the border open, so long as dementia donors keep dumping cash, and he has something to whine about in speeches to swindle sheeple. Besides, the GOP donor class needs more cheap labor, and Democrats need more ballot cattle.
Stop thinking the GOP establishment wants solutions; they need Democrat’s existence to justify their own. Considering the campaign trail complaining about Democrat shenanigans without recourse, this is the only rational explanation. Furthermore, their squabbles are theater anyways with the two groups even frequenting the same frats and clubs (fun fact: George W. Bush and John Kerry belonged to the same secret society at Yale).
With all the seal clapping for Abbott, you should be unsurprised if the GOP lemon party runs him in 2024; they know the certifiably fake and gay “tough guy” facade seduces the dipstick-vote. Remember, “Hail to the Chief,” not “Hail to the Queef.” Since they hate Trump, and might not assimilate Desantis, Abbott could be their best bet at deceiving voters. Abbott was already “logged” before his career, and might really get “logged” if he wants national fame.
All things considered, Abbott’s open border would be little different than Beto’s, just with more window dressing. Neither truly oppose each other; Beto fundraises off his misadventures (welfare with extra steps), and Abbott has an unrelenting border invasion he can pretend to stop, complete with RNC-issued participation trophies.
Speaking of illusions, deepfakes of your least loved politicians are now legal. While obviously satire, many are so close to reality Texas Legislatards banned them around voting season. For those depressed after the 2022 midterms, it is a healthy and fun way to release dopamine, as the fan who emailed this testified.
Current Revolt rates Abbott’s announcement:
Extremely Fake and Incredibly Gay
IMO the Republican vote turned out for Trump NOT Abbott. The Republican vote was a condemnation of the DemocRATS and against their policies. The Republican vote turned out AGAINST DemocRATS NOT FOR the Republicans. If they don't perform and produce and pass conservative policies & agenda, I would bet they will be primaried in the next cycle , if we can get rid of the machines and their enablers in the UniParty Cartel. No more early voting or mail in, Election Day voting only, a return to precinct voting, make Election Day a holiday so no one has an excuse for not voting and bring back felony charges for ALL vote fraud. If none of this is done, the country and Texas along with it. are gone. Do we have a civil war within our Party? We sure do and it is MAGA patriots vs. Everyone Else. If we falter or get co-opted like the Tea Partiers did, we fail. We must ALL get on the phone or put them in ur speed dial and let these elected fakes know we want results not more excuses and if we don't get immediate results, we will let the world know you r just another fake politician doing someone elses bidding. Thank you Current Revolt for exposing what we are up against. Keep it up!