New Fruits of Diversity in DFW’s Classrooms and on its Streets
DFW is no longer a boring place, we have so many people with names you can’t pronounce that we should be as proud as any Londoner.
“Welcome to Kindergarten”
For instance, rather than sending kindergartners to be taught by boring white ladies who draw smiley faces, we have exotic men from the Mid-East, like Jamil Wazed, to teach your kids. Mr. Wazed, taught kindergarten at Janie Stark Elementary in Farmers Branch from 2016-2017 and at Uplift Grand Preparatory School in Grand Prairie from 2018-2019.
Don’t worry that Mr. Wazed has been charged with sexual assault of a student. Although certain cultures in Pakistan and Afghanistan have a different view of man-boy love, those cultural traits vanish as soon as immigrants read the poem our Founding Fathers inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
“Let me share my culture with you!”
Another example of our residents reaping the rewards of diversity can be found in Arlington, where students at Arlington High School were surely enriched by the presence of Osagie Ayanru when he walked its halls. Ayanru would appear to be part of Arlington’s growing Nigerian population and that means he should be near your children. After all, it’s a human right for him to be near them. It’s a human right for anyone from around the globe to live right next to you and for them to attend school with your children.
People fear the other, but when they get to know diversity, their biases are dispelled.
Nigerians bring with them a vibrant culture, which includes a desire to connect with others — unfortunately sometimes that connection is made with a knife. But the 18-year old Osagie Ayanru is only accused of having a bad day where he allegedly, viciously stabbed a 711 clerk after she gave him the money, stole a car from the same 711, stabbed a man to death to steal his wallet, stabbed and punched the man’s wife for good measure, got into the stolen car, hit a woman and her dog, killing the dog and badly injuring the woman (he did have the decency to stop and try to rob her).
These are the kinds of knife crimes that we once only read about, but now, we can start to have our own “London-esque” Nigerian stabbing scene, just like the Brits! If we play our cards right, we will have some acid attacks as well. Now that would be vibrant!
“Let me show you how we are all the same.”
But DFW hasn’t only grown diverse by bringing in third-worlders, we have first-rate LGBTQ diversity as well. In Fort Worth, for instance, Reyna Sanchez took over the role of husband and father for some boring white guy. She beat the four-year old so badly one night that he died the next day. Now that’s what I call breaking stereotypes about how women should behave!
So, DFW, remember: Don’t ask what Diversity can do for you, ask what you can do for diversity!