Coomers, groomers, degenerates, and porn companies are furious today as the state of Louisiana now requires porn companies to verify age in order to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content.

Online pornography is extreme and graphic and only one click away from our children. This is not your daddy’s Playboy. And if pornography companies refuse to be responsible, then we must hold them accountable. This law is a first step. @SenMikeLee @NCOSE @MattWalshBlog

A preview of the bill that passed:
A full copy of the bill can be viewed here:
Porn companies hate this bill because it eats heavily into their pockets as they know minors likely make up a large size of their customer base. A Pornhub (a Mindgeek subsidiary) senior manager confessed they don’t voluntarily implement age verification because of this.
This sort of policy, and the technology to verify age, is very easily implemented. A bill like this should absolutely be introduced into TXLege this session.
Ban porn and legalize prostitution to begin to undo the damage caused by feminism.
We can’t do that in Texas because our legislators are too busy looking at *each other’s* nude photos, passing bills that benefit themselves, and renaming roads and bridges 😐