Alleged Chinese Spy Gene Wu Questioned on Maoist Gun Grabber Agenda
He said it was illegal for citizens to ask him questions about it publicly.
Democrat State Representative Gene Wu [HD 137] attempted to have a man arrested for asking him questions in a public park — specifically on why Wu immigrated to America from China to try and force gun control on Americans.
In an amazing exchange captured on video, Alex Rosen very calmly spoke to Mr. Wu while surrounded by a gaggle of (mostly) white women. The women expressed visible displeasure at the audacity of someone asking basic questions about why a Chinese national is pushing a disarmament agenda in America.

In the video, Wu appears to reference a Texas criminal statute to a police officer, who can be seen in the footage a few seconds before.
This is very strange to have politicians saying things like this, frankly. This is an elected official claiming on video that it should be against the law for the peasants to talk to him.
Wu says asking him about his totalitarian agenda is “disorderly conduct” and that a man calmly asking an elected official in a public park to explain why he wants to take away Texan’s fundamental rights is somehow illegal.
No attempt was made by Wu to explain why it’s actually good for someone to come to America and advocate for stripping away basic rights outside of law. Wu has never been on record as supporting the repeal the Second Amendment, a law ratified in 1791 which states that Americans can have any weapon they want regardless of how the Chinese feel about it. Instead, Wu supports illegal end-around our system of law.
Wu is well known for being extremely aggressive on Twitter in calling for gun confiscation and belittling others who disagree with the Democrat Party narrative. However, Wu was curiously silent and submissive when asked to explain himself in public.
Wu is still on Twitter promoting the deadly Covid “vaccine” saying that those who disagree with him are a national security threat, meaning he classifies them as domestic terrorists.

The entire Gene Wu situation is so incredibly absurd, you can’t help but just laugh at it. For someone to come to our country and try and disarm us is literally inexplicable.
While it’s certainly offensive, it also demands some level of awe, because these people not only go beyond what you would ever consider doing, but manage to go beyond what you could even imagine another person doing. Can you imagine going to China or Mexico and aggressively promoting taking away their people’s rights?
He politically organizes based on the Asian race, which for all intents and purposes means “slanty eyes” since he’s organizing all Asians into one single group.

Wu has said “it’s painful being an American,” and is constantly taking every opportunity to crap on American history.
Gene Wu’s interview at the Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University:
The Chinese Exclusion Act, which Congress now only just this last year issued an apology for. Okay? And it’s another incidence of here you have a law that is a intentional, purposeful, discriminigation—discriminigation against a class of people, a racial, uh, ethnic group. And everyone kind of just said, “Yeah, that’s fine,” even though the law is clear, is you cannot purposefully, you know, do that. Um, you know, so if—if you don’t—you don’t even know about that, just Google it and look up some of the history, and you’ll—it’ll make you mad. Like, “I can’t believe we did this.”
If “we” did this, then Gene did communism in China and killed tens of millions of people.
When will Gene Wu (real name Wú Yuánzhī) apologize for doing communism and killing tens of millions? Frankly, it must be painful being Chinese, having to live with that guilt. I’m so grateful I’m not Chinese.
Maybe because he is a good communist import trying to subvert our country. We used to have a law that allowed for the revocation of citizenship based on whether the immigrant was desirable or not. I would say importing communists is undesirable. Wouldn't you? Let's look up any immigration related laws that haven't been subverted by our elected scumbags and see if that part still exists. Then we can start demanding it be enforced on Wu and others of his ilk. It would be a winwin for America. Next stop Ilhan Omar.