WAR – Allen West Joins Gab
Glorious Leader of the Movement and the Republican Party of Texas Chairman Allen West has ignored the censorship cries of the crybaby faction of the Texas SREC and has made his own Gab account.
This is notable considering 35 members of the Texas SREC voted to remove the GOP Gab account. Some are claiming the vote was rushed through, and members didn’t know what they were voting on. Still others are blatantly pro right-wing Christian censorship, preferring the Party support only leftist companies, and are using the Gab issue to push a larger agenda aimed at de-Trumpifying the Party.
With Chairman Allen West being on Gab, and Vice Chair Cat Parks being ardently anti-Gab, what we have here is a situation that can only be described as segregation and Jim Crow.
Cat Parks has taken the position as the segregationist, and Allen West’s standing is with the constitution.
Cat Parks thinks Gab is a problem but is totally fine with the social media of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram basically un-personing President Trump.
Above is the record vote against free speech. Those with a “YES” next to their name voted to delete the GOP Gab account.
Below are the names and emails of those people. Feel free to contact them:
Rhonda Anderson rhondaforsrec@gmail.com
Charles Blankenship blankdoc49@outlook.com
Janis Holt srecholt@gmail.com
David Covey davidcoveytx@gmail.com
Jo’ Miller mama85joe@exede.net
Bill Fairbrother bill.fairbrother@gopusa.com
Tom Nobis tom_nobis2@yahoo.com
Margaret Whitt gypsygirlbiz@verizon.net
Steve Atwell sjatwell@sbcglobal.net
Susan Wright susanmwright02@gmail.com
Dawn Elliott dawn_elliott@comcast.net
Roy Morales roy.morales2010@gmail.com
Olga Lasher olga.tcrp@gmail.com
Fernando Trevino fernandotrevinojr@gmail.com
Matthew Patrick matthewgpatrick@aol.com
Becky Green becky.green63@gmail.com
Sean Cheben sean.cheben@gmail.com
Edee Sinclair Rickedee@consolidated.net
Joe Walz tjoeywalz1@gmail.com
Alma Arredondo-Lynch Spiritotow1112@yahoo.com
Grace Jones mrs.e.gracejones@gmail.com
Carmen Calderone CarmenCalderoneSD20@gmail.com
Terry Harper gop.terryharper@gmail.com
Jon Ker sd22col.ker@gmail.com
Ruth Cremin SD24ruth@gmail.com
Jack Barcroft jpbgop@gmail.com
Kris Coons snoocdc@aol.com
Mark Dorazio mdorazio@dorazioenterprises.com
Morgan Graham SD27SRECs@gmail.com
Carlos Cascos SD27SRECs@gmail.com
Robin Hayes robinhayes7@yahoo.com
Steve Evans steve.evanstx@att.net
Robyn Cooper Rjcooper9@gmail.com
Britton Brooks brittonbrookssrec30@gmail.com
Tell Cat Parks she and her Jim Crow faction of the Party are not welcome!