A tense race is starting to end. Andy Hopper is behind Lynn Stucky by only 88 votes, and was 102 votes before a small number of non-homogenous (not all for one candidate) ballots came in. The Hopper campaign put out a press release announcing their desire for a manual recount in Denton county. While his would-be district also extended into Wise county, it’s unknown if he’ll request a recount there.
In light of election day’s events and surprising results, suspicion of vote totals make sense. Here, Hopper is doing what everyone should: demanding transparency. While a manual recount isn’t going far enough in our opinion (a full audit is needed), these efforts are commendable, and hopefully Hopper emerges triumphant.
We reached out to Hopper, sending questions about these events, and his campaign itself. Unlike most public officials, Hopper was kind enough to respond.
What factors and events made you request a recount? Were there any anomalies, and if so what were they?
According to the latest county results, this election has come down to 88 votes. And yet, the SoS reports 98,819 votes in Denton County as a whole, while Denton County Election reports 96,584 were cast. Generally speaking, citizens should expect the tabulated results to be precise. For this race specifically, we cannot tolerate anything less than absolute certainty given the razor-thin margin. Given these facts, it would be wrong to not make every effort to make sure that the results are accurate.
What opposition do you expect to face from the other side, including establishment “Republicans?”
I fully expect that all actual Republicans will fully support my agenda to vigorously fight for our RPT priorities and our platform. Realistically, I also fully expect all quasi-Democrats/RINO-swamp-creatures to oppose nearly everything I stand for. Texas needs patriots who will stand up to the communist-agenda of the left and the globalist agenda that is being driven by the federal government, and I will stand and fight for the conservative values of my district, even if I stand alone.
How much support have you received?
I am absolutely floored by the support that we’ve received thus far from across the district for this recount effort. I think that many had no idea how close this election was going to be, and are likewise excited about helping to ensure that the conservative voice of Wise and Denton Counties is well-represented.
If this recount effort is successful and you win, what are your plans for when you get in the Texas Legislature? Any issues you particularly care about?
On day one, I will file border legislation that:
Per Article I, Section 10 of the US Constitution, declare that Texas is in the midst of an actual invasion perpetrated and in every way facilitated by the United Mexican States and the Federal Government of the United States, and that all future action taken by Texas and its military forces is done under its war powers authority authorized by the US Constitution, and Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution.
Over 40% of the Texas border has been condemned by the federal government, and represents a highway for illegals to enter Texas. Texas should immediately condemn all land previously condemned by the federal government.
The Texas Legislature should instruct the Governor of Texas to secure operational control of the entire border with Mexico, using any force necessary, up-to-and-including placing troops on the other side of the Rio Grande River, preventing illegals from entering Texas in the first place.
Authorize an increase of the size of the Texas guard to at least 50 thousand, with the majority of the increase to be borne by the Texas State Guard.
Make human trafficking a capital offense.
I will also file legislation that will:
End the COVID disaster declaration of the Governor, and forever curb his emergency powers by requiring the legislature to be brought into session within 30 days of a disaster declaration is made, and until the declaration is rescinded.
Make it a felony to chemically or surgically castrate children in Texas.
Amend the Texas Constitution which recognizes the unalienable natural right of the people to refuse vaccination. Because this right is unalienable, it cannot be bargained away, and therefore vaccination shall not be made a condition of employment, travel, attending educational institutions, doing business, receiving governmental services, or any other action.
End liability protection for businesses that force employees to undergo medical procedures.
End non-partisan races in Texas.
Return to paper textbooks in schools
Amend the Texas Bill of Rights to ensure that the parents’ rights to raise and educate their children, with whatever funds at their disposal by whatever means, is forever protected, and that there is a presumption that parents act in the best interest of their children.
Amend the Texas Constitution requiring record votes of all actions taken by the Texas Legislature, including within committees, and requiring all proceedings to be filmed and made publicly available.
Anything else you’d like to tell our readers?
Our right of local self-government is critically impaired by Washington, D.C., and our 87th Texas Legislature has squandered its opportunity to take control of our border, and to protect the rights and liberties of Texans in their hour of need. Texans should decide what is best for Texas, and we desperately need legislators who will defend and preserve our way of life for future generations.
In light of this, Hopper is already a superior candidate than Stucky, and definitely needs support in his recount effort.