Austin Dumps $15 MILLION In NEW 5-YEAR COVID Contract
It just never ends. The Austin city government approved paying Sherry Matthews Inc., a Leftist PR firm, $15 million until 2027 to spout government narratives about the now over superflu pandemic. Oddly, Austin chose the firm not based on success or doing its job, but because it’s woman and minority owned.
Notice that the Left never cares about qualifications or logic; they are well aware there is nothing rational about their approaches. This is the same party doling out free stuff for “women and minority owned” enterprises, but cannot define what a woman is because biological literacy (“transphobia”) is fascism or something.
You can identify with any gender you want obtaining free applause and shilling for a grift operation, but you cannot identify as another race (also assigned at birth) when applying for affirmative action. It is obvious the Leftist laity’s ideology is incoherent drivel.
Regarding politicians however, there is a deeper motive to hiring unqualified lackeys: it ensures loyalists are taken care of, and their base is satisfied. While conservatives have little job security, risking cancellation if they say anything remotely right-of-center, Leftists get rewarded with either job opportunities, or capitulation from “conservatives” too busy tone policing their own to worry about America’s future.
Unlike mainstream Republicans, who treat tokenism like a commandment (“Hey, did you see this based black gay trans TikToker? Democrats are the real racist sexist transphobes!”) and alienate their base, Democrats reward their base by moving them to the front of the line for freebies and favors. Democrats even bail their supporters out of jail, while imprisoned conservatives are made political prisoners.
The result is a Democrat base that, while more mental than party leadership, gladly fights for said leaders priorities. Conversely, the Republican base, used to shaftings by the lemon caucus establishment, is not as enthusiastic to fight on their demand. Why fight for those refusing to fight for you, especially when they bend for the other side?
Speaking of, why are Austin’s actions even allowed? Isn’t the so-called pandemic over? What is Austin even planning? We are unsure, but it is probably nothing good. If it involves lulling the public into complacency for future lockdowns, the Texan government should prepare to challenge and crush any lockdown attempts.
Judging by Abbott, and the national GOP’s actions during the last shutdowns, we believe lockdown power trippers will suffer no consequences. Of course, Abbott and other establishmentards will invoke any excuse to do nothing, like screaming “muh process” and claiming that using state power for good is “big government” and no better than Democrats abusing it for evil. This is called the Moral Equivalence Fallacy.
Republican leadership is fine with normal people getting screwed by mental patients in power, as long as the “process is followed” and it is “done legally.” They are more concerned with being the “better” man, than the winning man; in the end they are neither better nor winning.
Eventually, those keeping Olympic mouthbreathers in Texas politics will either pass on, defect to the Donkey party, or convert to actual conservatism. The true Right will inevitably obtain total victory; whether it will be too late, and will the damage be beyond repair are the only questions.