Can public schools get any gayer? In the cesspool called Austin ISD (AISD), teachers made kids create signs and march in a Pride Parade. The only possible motive for indoctrinating pre-pubescent kids into sexual perversion is malice; plain and simple.

The celebration of STDs and debauchery didn’t end there. At Doss Elementary in Austin ISD, “community circles” were held for children in Kindergarten – Fifth Grade to discuss graphic sexual topics, and students are prohibited from telling parents about things learned.

Not only are Gay Days treated with religious devotion (how many days do they need to celebrate their bizarre urges), children dragged into them are banned from telling parents and guardians about what they are “learning.” Try this activity with children anywhere else and you would be rightly labeled a possible pedophile, but it’s apparently ok when in schools.
Among the reasons parents know little about their spawn’s education is pro-LGBTWTH ISD’s backdoor methods of ensuring kid’s silence, like those shown above.
Most sane parents would either homeschool their children, or crowd out school board meetings if they acknowledged the extent of modern public education’s syphilitic effects. Many parents do, and are labeled domestic terrorists, and further intimidated for demanding their children aren’t groomed by perverts and Neomarxists.
Should we be surprised? Between boomer and (until recently) Gen-X parents assuming schools are teaching what they were taught, and Western Christian complacency with America’s social decay, of course our leadership will be overran with bugchasers and demoniacs. Welcome to the Sodomocracy of our making.
So, what can you do as a parent? If you can, homeschool your children. However, never suppose retreat will secure our safety, and that of our children.
For decades, whether in civil service, social media platforms, or the corporate realm, the Right believed retreating and building our own spaces would fix our ailments. This strategy fails, and results in either those spaces becoming duds like Truth Social, or being subverted by traitors (such as many Evangelical Institutions). Instead of the political Benedict Option described, true Rightists should sue, flood school board (more here) and town hall meetings, and fight back in any way possible.
Even if you’re not a parent, you can still participate in school board meetings. As an ISD taxpayer, it’s your right to decide how your hard-earned and increasingly deflated tax dollars are used.
If you find yourself thinking your pro-degeneracy, anti-Christian, and anti-child opponents are just misguided but good people, remember what they desire.
Update: AISD recently changed their guidelines to allow students to tell parents about what occurs in “community circles.” The fact that you need to tell children it’s ok to discuss these matters with parents or guardians is strange, but it’s proof cyberbullying groomers works.