Austin ISD Touts Program for Kids to “Become” Gay
The state is taking over Houston ISD for much less.
Earlier today, we reported on the Republican Party of Texas’ Twitter account having the audacity to remember that Ken Paxton said Austin ISD was violating the law by having an entire week dedicated to celebrating sexual fetishes.
Not only is Austin ISD not backing down on this agenda, but they are aggressively throwing it in your face.

Editor’s note: frankly I’m sick of writing about this topic—Due to the sheer volume of stories similar to this, we can’t cover them all, but we try and cover the story whenever a new line is crossed.
Across the district, the agenda of teaching kids about the various options that exist for sexual stimulation (the anus being the most important) began on Monday. Elementary schools were customizing their celebrations for the week.

A teacher whose Twitter bio claims she is an illegal alien was sporting pronoun buttons in Spanish.

That’s doubly weird.
The most outrageous thing I saw was this display at an unidentified location that encourages kids to “step into” the shoes of a homosexual and “be[come]” a part of “pride.”

This is like a weird rite of passage or some kind of ritual they are simulating.
When Austin ISD did this last year (when Ken Paxton sent the threatening letter saying they were breaking the law) the district was shown to be telling kids to keep their classroom conversations about unnatural sexual practices a secret.

Kids were playing bingo games featuring people who are famous because of the sex they like to have. Cool huh?

Apparently they are also doing drag shows at the Texas Capitol every day now?

Of course they are.
There are a series of events about to unfold in Austin.
Nobody will do anything.
Nobody will stop anyone from doing anything.
Thing will continue get worse.
Conservatives are total cowards.
I don’t think people realize that nothing is actually being taught in most public schools anymore, especially the ones in big cities. When the COVID scamdemic unfolded and the Texas government declared that children going to school and learning how to read was “non-essential,” the deep state of the public education used the event as an excuse to move away from traditional learning and towards a model of totally arbitrary gibberish.

Getting rid of testing, vague grading standards, group grading — every change you see is being made with the aim of “fighting racism.” The changes are being quickly rammed through because left-wing social scientists are unable figure out how to close the racial gaps in academic achievement, and such gaps are becoming more pronounced with demographic change. Therefore, the decision has been made to dumb everything down and make everyone retarded in order to achieve some utopia.
The sexual stuff is just a distraction on top of that primary agenda.
Take em over please or better yet, shut them down and privatize schooling.
How long ago did we Texans decide to add sex ed to the curriculum? Does anyone remember the reasons used? 1. All the prudish parents that refused to teach THEIR the "real truth about sex" The parents that took the stance that this was a moral question decided by parents in their own home. It was a very nasty campaign and lots of name calling about these parents that refused to---but again--look at the door that opened. One step at a time to GIVE your authority to the ISD's. Straight up reason--because we haven't used our own brains for generations. The government which ever piece--decides to ??--just some small step-- the response is ALWAYS--That just isn't enough to argue about--we need to just get along--and off we go to name call those that won't go along---bully adults just like the kids that learn to be bullies! It is tiny steps and before you know it the problem is now so big how do you undo what have taken years to get to this place of outrage. Remember during the school lock downs where there was an American flag in the background of a student's computer page--the teach really threw a fit and demanded it be removed---I think this was in Texas and in a rural ISD but maybe not! But silence was our response. 9/11 is the same. We made all kinds of laws because we were scared. Homeland Security came out of that. Are we any safer. I say NO because we approved behavior and laws that have allowed the government to just walk into our lives at will. It is only getting worse by what we allow because of our silence. Now that can come on your property, we are silent-- they come to your door still we are silent now they demand to be inside still silent--now they just take you and still no outrage. Have any idea how many Texans have been arrested for J6--how many lives have been destroyed--Did you know that Texas government had troopers and staff embedded in the J6 crowd--no matter where you stand on J6 the fact that you had government officials embedded and their assignment was to make matters worse not to "deescalate" as the story goes. Ashli Babbit was murdered by that DC officer IMO and I will stay with that conviction. If we didn't know about DC Trump gathering then why did we have Texas law-enforcement assigned to the Capitol for that event... Again, we are silent and support this administration and their hatred for the American people as proven by their actions. Why does any piece government have the right to refuse to give those that have "agreed to be govern" any information--why are all these secrets that we just can't know...Think Think Think--WeAreThePeople---The power is ours not the government. They WORK for us!