Austin News Caught Hoaxing Election Results for Democrats
The "results" show Beto beating Abbott by ten points
The fix is in, literally. Activist and former Railroad Commissioner candidate Tom Slocum made a discovery on Spectrum News. According to Slocum, the website posted the results several days before the actual election on November 8th.
Needless to say, very cringeworthy. Keep in mind, there is not even 1.5 million residents in Travis county. So far we have not seen comments from Spectrum News about this matter. The planned “fortified” results show Abbott and Wayne Christian getting crushed by 10 and 12 points, which any politically literate person knows is impossible.
This would not be so suspicious if the Spectrum incident was the only time this happened. Days ago in Arizona, a Phoenix news station aired “results” showing America First firebrand Kari Lake losing to an arch-Leftist for governor by six points.
The station involved released a statement claiming they recieved generated results from the Associated Press, which has a history of trashing conservative candidates, including soon-to-be 2024 frontrunner President Donald Trump. By pure coincidence, most conjured fake results favored globalists and Neomarxists.
This is also a global phenomenon. Just 72 hours before Brazil's President Bolsonaro got his election stolen by a corrupt communist named “Lula,” Brazilian news site Globo already published results, coincidentally similar to the current vote tally.
When real President Bolsonaro attempted making his nation’s vote-counting process more transparent and secure months ago, Biden's CIA Director immediately demanded Bolsonaro “stop questioning the process.” (sound familiar?)
Keep in mind the CIA has a long, universally acknowledged history of interfering in Latin American politics, at first to stop communists, and now perhaps to enthrone them. Considering context, the rabbit hole may go deeper than most realize.
From previous happenings, we know Democrats will attempt ballot-stuffing their way to the top, and not turning out on Election Day is inexcusable, so avoid letting the enemy bugger the ballot box. This November, America chooses between Christian Nationalism or Globohomo child trannyism.
With copious issues at stake, among them keeping Roe dead, ending the border invasion, stopping child “probing” in schools, crushing pedophile story events, and of course, implementing vote security measures ending fraud forever, there is ample reason to turn out on the eighth. The more effort from our side, the harder it is to stay within the “margin of cheating.”
Overall, be the “red wave” you want to see! Besides, voting Democrat is like banging a cactus; you know what you are getting into, and the results will be horrific.
Unfortunately, there will be those who will do anything to steal the election! That is how Trump lost! I hope Republicans are smarter than to pay attention to such reports and get out to vote. What really counts is the number of people who will vote, not the number of what some poll says, polls which are ultimately predictions, regardless of how accurate they may be, and polls that are blatant lies put out to mislead the people!
The last thing any Leftist wants is free and fair elections.