Far-right Republican Ben Bumgarner, known amongst the alt-right as “Based Ben” or “B3,” is devouring the haters as he continues to not give a flying flip what you think.
B3 has filed HB 2955 which creates a civil liability for judges who release criminals on bond if the criminal commits a violent crime while out on bond.
This will put the District Attorney of every large Texas county on notice, as these Soros-funded DA’s are the ones releasing violent criminals back onto the streets by the thousands.
The max penalty? Only a cool $10 million.
Nobody is working harder than Bumgarner to round up and deport every last one of these filthy illegal aliens.
He’s also proposing to give each taxpayer $17.3 billion in relief. Imagine what you could buy with $17 billion.
Current Revolt is the premier center-right publication of Texas politics, but Ben Bumgarner’s style of unapologetic white nationalism is something to which many people say they are sympathetic.
All we know is you’ll want to keep an eye on this rising star in the GOP.
B3 Gang time to rise up!
Wow. Kudos to Ben!