Yesterday evening Current Revolt sent its intrepid reporters deep into enemy territory to report on the biggest snooze fest the Beto campaign could have put on.
In Thurgood Marshal Rec Center, Beto put on his townhall on “Protecting Texas Kids”. (But, not from a suction devices or castration bands.)
The event opened with community leaders (a reverend and an older lady) giving impassioned speeches and prayers. Notably, the venerable lady talked about how tragic it is that a free and democratic nation like ours requires the public to beg for action on guns. (That she might be in the free and democratic minority did not seem to factor in this calculation.) She also claimed that voter suppression laws were to blame.
Next, discount Mike Flynn (Clay Jenkins) introduced Beto who gave a long winded, milquetoast speech where he pretended to take a risky moral high ground while capitalizing on the biggest PR boost his campaign could have gotten.
He and others who spoke made numerous mistakes on current gun laws including calling for background checks (we have them already), calling for the prevention of firearms transfers to felons (already illegal), and a crackdown on felons in possession (already occurring).
Now, in fairness, Beto did make a couple good points. Namely: “Not old enough to buy a beer, not old enough to buy an assault weapon!” Current Revolt agrees. European style drinking laws now! Also, a call for common ground and compromise to deal with Abbott. While we would never want Beto in office, we too are unhappy with Abbott. Behold: common ground!
After Beto spoke a number of community members gave their experiences with gun violence… or just violence in general as it turned out. (It seems south Dallas is a dangerous place, guns or not. I wonder why…) One woman even spoke at long length about how her daughter was kidnapped and killed before wrapping with an admission guns played no part in it. Another woman talked about how her family suffered from drive by’s and hold ups. A third elderly gentleman talked about how he was scared to go out alone at night but that in his youth he had considered himself a “gangsta”.
The only exciting moments of the evening came when Alex Stein got himself kicked out. And anytime the hero of the evening, Jazzhands McGee, turned to dazzle the entirely hearing audience with his theatrics.
Amazing how the reason they think the hood is violent and dangerous is the existence of guns.
Beto's supporters are unserious people who live unserious lives and have unserious opinions.