O’Rourke Tries to Land Reverse 180° Heel Flip
Robert O’Rourke can’t skateboard, he’s not a hacker and he’s not Mexican. This is a lie the media has tried to sell Texans. His whole persona is a concoction designed to make him look “cool” and not White in an attempt to trick voters.
One of the major symptoms of the moral breakdown occurring in Texas is rampant lies by politicians. Because there is no consequences for this bad behavior, politicians of all stripes will lie to get gain, but none more so than the Democrats.
Now that he is back in Texas, Sk8tr Boi, O’Rourke has had to backtrack on some of his statements made to appeal to Democrats across the country during his presidential run, including his desire to illegally confiscate your guns:
Speaking to reporters, O’Rourke also took a question about his controversial stance on guns and remarks made in 2019 about taking away AR-15s and AK-47s.
“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he said. “I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permitless carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other.”
We all know he’s lying. His supporters know he’s lying… they don’t care. The takeaway here is not that O’Rourke is a liar, even though he is, but that Democrats lie all the time about everything. Here’s a list few of the most popular lies they’ve told: “diversity is our strength”, “trans women are women”, “it’s just a clump of cells,”. You get the drift. They will do and say anything to amass more power.
They can do this because, currently they don’t face any consequences for their lies. At best, the GOP will point a finger and yell “hypocrite!” (This is Ted Cruz’s entire existence at this point), the Democrats shrug then go about their business of destroying our state.
To restore some semblance of order there have to be consequences for bad actions and it is time for the Right to deliver those consequences.
If you are Right-wing politician at any level, you need to learn to use the power granted to you by the people to punish bad behavior by your political opponents. Then use your power to advance the conservative agenda at the expense of the leftist agenda. You must to learn to do this before there aren’t any right wing power structures left for us to use. (We are basically down to school boards at this point).
If you are a Right-wing grassroots supporter you need to learn how to fight in your community. You should learn to file grievances, police reports, Freedom of Information Act Requests and Open Records Requests (none of these are hard to do btw). You need to find lawyers sympathetic to your cause, who can file lawsuits and restraining orders as needed. If you are in a conservative town, it is likely the lawyers already share your views and will be willing to help. Many times you just have to walk into a lawyer’s office and ask. These actions are amplified if you can teach local political groups to do them too.
The left understands this and have been using these tactics effectively for decades. They used their power to disband the Texas Rangers during the Great Depression and they are using it right now to get hundreds of BLM and Antifa rioters out of jail. This is also how they “found” gay marriage and abortion in the Constitution.
Doing these things will make Democrat’s lives Hell and ultimately make them quit. We saw this last year when two CRT-sympathizers from Carroll ISD were arrested due to an Open Records Request revealing improprieties. More recently in Fort Worth ISD, a trustee who aggressively promoted Critical Theory in it’s many forms, stepped down after unrelenting pressure from parents.
We can no longer simply rally around a candidate hoping they will fix it once they’re in office. We have been let down too many times and too many are fooled by savvy politicians (see Greg Abbott primary results).
Only when Democrats face consequences will they give up on their degenerate crusade and it’s up to you to stop them.