Special Needs Community Endorses Biden
It’s a well-established fact that readers of Current Revolt have a median IQ of 143. Our articles don’t include an infinite number of qualifiers on every blunt truth we tell because we assume our readers are intelligent enough to assume these qualifiers as a given.
We would never claim that every single black person in America votes Democrat, because it’s obvious that’s not true. However, we will not add the qualifier that “not all, but most” when we say that “black Americans vote for Democrats” because blacks do, as a matter of fact, vote Democrat at around 90%, +/- 5% in most areas of the country.
It’s probably not the case that every single mentally handicapped person supports Joe Biden, but it is true that every person who supports Joe Biden is mentally handicapped.
For some reason, the Dallas Morning News decided to highlight the fact that a man who is legally incapacitated with a mental condition is an ardent Biden supporter. We’re not going to add the qualifier that “of course they did, because it’s 2020” because the reader knows it is The Current Year.
Dallas Morning News, Letters to the Editor:
The following letter is from my 23-year-old special needs adult who is very taken with politics. His grammar may not be perfect but I think his sentiment is.
“I am writing this message to you because I feel like our country goes very different ways. I want to talk to the Republicans and Democrats about how Donald Trump is not a good president. I hope you might vote for Joe Biden.
“President Trump not help with the doctors to test a lot of people for COVID-19 fast, but he is slow. Some people have it, some people not have it and they not know if they have cough or COVID-19. This is bad because he not wear a mask. He not help us to be safe and stay in our homes and not go out to have a party.
“President Trump says mean things. He says he not like Black Lives Matter sign in New York. Black people matter need some money for them to be safe not to cops. I don’t want cops and black people to fight each other on the street.
“It’s time for vote for Joe Biden for next president 2020. He will change the world better.”
[Name redacted for CR]
There is a zero percent chance this guy just decided on his own to take an interest in politics. His single mother caretaker was likely radicalized by Rachel Maddow and she forced him to consume corporate media coverage of the bad Orange Man every waking hour for the last 4 years.
But how is this mentally handicapped kid’s take any different from every other Biden supporter? The average Democrat voter comes to the exact same conclusions as the special needs child that we have Cheeto-Hitler running the country and he has to go. The only difference is, people with these obvious mental issues can legally have their voting privileges taken away in Texas.
So my dear high IQ readers, you see where I’m going with this. Others have made the case, and it’s actually quite compelling.
I believe leftist politics is more likely a symptom of mental illness than a mental illness itself. Maybe Savage says that, I never read the book.
I often ponder on how much of what see within the body politic is human nature (the founders didn’t support a universal franchise because they knew it would be a disaster) how much of it is media consolidation and brainwashing to serve a broader set of agendas, and how much is due to mass prescription drug use and other chemicals.
I guess it’s safe to assume it’s all of the above.