¡Welcome to the new Curreñto Revolto!
Given that no one seems to care at all about the millions of illegal Mexicans rushing across the border, we figured we’d get ahead of the curve and start reporting all of our Texas’ political news in “Español” instead of English since we’re all gonna have to speak it in the near-future anyway.
As part of our effort to speed up the reunification with Mexico, we hired some day laborers to translate our entire archive (it was super cheap btw), but the grammar mayyyyy not be the best.
So feel free go back and enjoy your favorite articles and get that rush from from the fiery Spanish language with those accents on the ñ and ó and those silly double letters that make the wrong sound like “ll” and “rr”.
The upside of our state being overrun by Mexicans (again!) is that at least you won’t feel like a gringo when you order a torta at the taco truck.
Spanish translation after la cerveza 🍺
¡Bienvenidos al nuevo Curreñto Revolto!
Dado que a nadie parece importarle en absoluto los millones de mexicanos ilegales que se apresuran a cruzar la frontera. Pensamos en adelantarnos a los acontecimientos y convertir toda nuestra cobertura política al "español", ya que todos vamos a tener que hablarlo de todos modos.
Para acelerar la reunificación con México, contratamos a unos jornaleros para que tradujeran todo nuestro archivo (fue super barato, por cierto), pero puede que la gramática no sea la mejor.
Así que siéntete libre de volver y disfrutar de tus artículos favoritos y obtener ese subidón del ardiente idioma español con esos acentos en la ñ y la ó y esas tontas letras dobles que hacen el sonido incorrecto como "ll" y "rr".
Lo bueno de que nuestro estado esté invadido por mexicanos (¡otra vez!) es que al menos no te sentirás como un gringo cuando pidas una torta en el camión de tacos.
I used to live in Arizona. The huge problem is that the laws are not enforced and there's no penalty for people hiring illegal aliens. Currently, individuals and corporations are free to hire illegals at will with no fear or punishment and only profit by taking advantage of the situation. The people coming from other countries are suppressed in their wages and may also fear dangers in their home lands. As long as there's no economic or other disincentives, but only benefit to those involved, there will be no solution, wall or not. Arizona in 2010 started to crack down but was shot down by the Supreme Court. Currently we are governed, managed and manipulated by forces against our best interest.
I love authentic Mexican Food! Viva Mexico😎🤪😂