Is Weight Gain the Real Reason Candace Valenzuela Won’t Debate Beth?
Speculation ripped through cyberspace Thursday afternoon following a Facebook post from candidate for the 24th Congressional District, Beth Van Duyne, calling out her opponent, Democrat Candace Valenzuela, on her refusal to change out of her pajamas and leave her house for a debate on the issues.
Schools are reopening. Essential workers show up every day. Businesses are coming back. Football is being played. Yet,…
Posted by Beth Van Duyne on Thursday, September 17, 2020
Valenzuela has been noted by political commentators as being somewhat of a weak candidate. Current Revolt’s Election Specialist, Jim Conbee, said Valenzuela “has already hit the wall” and “looks like a dark-skinned horse” with little chance of beating Van Duyne in the general election on November 3rd. Democrats, however, insist she is in fact a dark horse.
Valenzuela has been accused of “promoting the extinction agenda” favored by the left. An agenda which includes mothers killing their children, people forgoing having a family in favor of a “rainbow of hedonism,” as well as long-standing rumors of being an Amish Supremacist in her support for the Green New Deal.
Reports also surfaced that her husband is totally cucked, with his wife apparently tossing his last name to the side so she can run for Congress on a Brown Pride platform.
And even though her kids are half-white, she appears to have one of them artistically rendered as black in her cover photo.
Valenzuela has not been seen since the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation, a virus which has killed dozens of Texans. A lack of recently uploaded full-body shot photos of Ms. Baldwin-Valenzuela is said to be covering up for a secret conspiracy. Two men suspected to be involved in the collision have been detained, but our sources have only released their first names.
Slippy Toad reporting