Yuppies Reap What They Sow — BLM Conspiracy Theorists Invade Uptown Dallas
While the corona cold virus is not a threat to anybody reading this website, Black Lives Matter very well may be an existential threat depending on where you live.
Black Lives Matter has a very confusing ideology. Ostensibly what brings them all together to meet and congregate late at night in public spaces is to protest against the genocide of unarmed black people by police. The only problem is, this isn’t happening. Anyone can look up the statistics and see this is a ridiculous claim. If it were happening, most people, myself included, would probably be out there marching with them saying “please stop genociding black people because they are black.” Any decent person would.
Basically the entire premise of BLM is a flat-earth tier conspiracy theory.
Their ideology gets even more confusing when you realize their views align perfectly with all the world’s billionaires and international mega corporations, while at the same time claiming to be fighting against “the system” of various flavors of sub-conspiracies (patriarchy, whites, western society, etc.)
BLM is actually a revolutionary movement of poor people aligned with the billionaire elites to destroy the middle class. It’s really incredible to be alive to witness it. I don’t know that such a thing has ever happened before in world history.
These people are incredibly dangerous, and you should try to avoid them at all costs. The police will not protect you.
Some hipsters in Uptown found this out the hard way. Here’s the full clip which I will break down.
So we start out with this guy, doing the obligatory “it was mostly peaceful” bit.
This bit of “mostly peaceful” seems to be a form of gaslighting because nobody can sustain levels of extreme violence for hours on end. Of course there is down time.
David talks about how Dallas PD isn’t doing anything about these people marching around town harassing people, and instead have chosen to tweet about where the terrorists are headed to warn people to stay away. Again, the police will not protect you from these people.
They were doing all this because the media lied about the circumstances surrounding Breonna Taylor‘s death in an altercation with police.
Libertarian weirdo Vice Presidential Candidate, Spike Cohen, is apparently repeating the “no-knock” lie to further his own libertarian anarcho-drug-paradise agenda. He claims it was a no-knock warrant being served, which is simply not true. This is the same lie the media told everyone knowing they will start riots based upon this lie.
After the shots of people blocking traffic, they cut to an angry Woman Of Color yelling “F*** YOUR DINNER” over and over.
They then cut to this guy who was harassed at Moxie’s restaurant while trying to watch the Stars game. He says he’s lived here in Dallas whole life and “this is not our city.”
Apparently the BLM people gathered outside the restaurant and just started yelling at everyone. I presume they could sense the white kids inside watching the hockey game and smelled blood.
In a very demonic-like display, a gentleman in a hoodie yelled at the people in the restaurant to “say her name.”
Naturally, someone laughed at this demand. While it is funny, it’s best not to laugh at them. Better to run away.
Our yuppie hockey fan then shows his child-like ignorance and says you can hear him in the video saying “I’m with you.” His token of solidarity is met with a woman yelling in his face “I DON’T CARE” repeatedly.
Once again, folks. This isn’t a joke. These people literally believe there is an ongoing genocide of black Americans at the hands of police. If you actually believed that your people were being hunted in the street for sport, you would probably do the same.
Novelty shirt woman then threatens them all with death.
Another customer then has the audacity to disagree with their whole “kill whitey for hunting us down” conspiracy theory agenda. Naturally, this is met with the BLM people destroying property and the non-caring woman repeatedly saying “F*** YOUR DINNER.”
Fox then cuts to this “civil rights attorney” and he basically takes the side of BLM. He says we just need to have a healthy dialogue in this country, as if we didn’t all just see a clip of someone trying and disagree with BLM and watch them get violent within 2 milliseconds.
To Fox 4’s credit, they did point out this guy didn’t even condemn all their criminal behavior caught on video, as if to imply it was weird and ominous to not condemn terrorism in our streets.
The “attorney” then explains that “whenever people aren’t being heard, they’re going to become upset.”
He says with a straight face as if every single large corporation hasn’t been force-feeding us the BLM agenda for months now.
I can’t say I’ve had any of the top corporations in America shill a single one of my agendas this summer, and yet they claim they’re the ones not being heard.
Finally, they cut to this woman who is very plainly and calmly calling for terroristic acts in a specific place at a specific time. It’s hard to believe it’s even real.
Just stay away from these people.
Allen West talks about the storm, that we are the storm. Well, if that’s true, we’re heading down a path where 2 meeting seas collide. Hold on to your butts.