When former Permian High School football star Boobie Miles was diagnosed with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in 2018, he was thankful to have survived.
“I believe that’s why God keeping me around. I’m not finished doing what he put me on the earth to do, whatever it may be,” he said.
Whatever it may be, Boobie. Whatever it may be.
An Ector County jury found James Earl “Boobie” Miles Jr. not guilty Wednesday of beating and choking his former wife in March 2023.
His ex-wife, Becca Miles, was called to the stand by defense attorney Felix Neboh and she recanted the story she gave police at the time of Miles’ arrest.
Couldn’t have been that bad, right?
Miles’ former wife told dispatchers her husband was choking her before the line was disconnected. No one answered when the dispatchers called back multiple times.
When officers arrived, they found a Chrysler 300 parked halfway out into the street and Miles’ former wife unconscious and slumped over toward the passenger seat, the report stated.
According to the report, Miles’ former wife had bloodshot, watery eyes, redness around her neck, bleeding cuts on her right hand and facial injuries. The officer noted in his report the woman was having a hard time breathing and struggled to speak through her pain.
After being taken to Odessa Regional Medical Center, she said she’d been in Odessa for a few days working on her relationship with Miles, but they began to argue because she wanted to stay one more night, the report stated.
She told officers he threw her onto the bed and choked her to the point where she was losing her vision, her ability to breathe and her consciousness. When he released her, she said she began to pray out loud which prompted him to hit her in the face, the report stated.
Miles was arrested after being bitten by a police canine sent in after he refused to allow officers to take him into custody, police said.
The jury found Boobie Miles not guilty. After the verdict, Miles went straight back to jail where he is serving 13 years for something he did to another woman.
Imagine, you think your legacy is going to be as a football legend and now it’s just choking and beating women.
I am very reassured that no pets were eaten in the making of this story!! BTW Trump 's statement in the debate brought the spotlight to Ohio and to the dumping of the illegals on a small unsuspecting city. Their car insurance has gone way up, ( illegals with DL getting CARS), school enrollment up, hiring translators is exrtra, cats and dogs disappearing, YES. plus illegals getting cirizens' jobs. A nightmare.