Super Tuesday is over and it was an electoral disaster for many incumbents.
Below are results from some of the more interesting races.
All result totals are as of 7:30AM 3/6/24
HD2 - Brent Money Beats Jill Dutton
Brent Money takes HD2 from Jill Dutton in the Republican Primary.
HD19 - Ellen Troxclair
Ellen Troxclair keeps her position in HD19. Biedermann likely cost himself votes after coming out in defense of Bryan Slaton.
Brutal night for Dade Phelan. Forced into a runoff with David Covey. With both releasing the following statements.
HD26 - Matt Morgan Unseats Jacey Jetton
HD33 - Justin Holland Pushed Into Runoff With Katrina Pierson
HD60 - Mike Olcott Overwhelmingly Beats Glenn Rogers
HD61 - Frederick Frazier Pushed Into Runoff With Keresa Richardson
HD62 - Shelley Luther Unseats Reggie Smith
HD64 - Andy Hopper Forces Lynn Stucky Into Runoff
HD65 - Mitch Little With Win Over Kronda Thimesch
A real nailbiter of a race! Little pulled off the W at the very end.
HD66, 67, 89 - All Collin County Incumbets Win
Matt Shaheen, Jeff Leach, and Candy Noble all win their respective races.
HD91 David Lowe Forces Klick Into Runoff
HD108 - Morgan Meyer Barely Wins Over Barry Wernick
HD128 - Briscoe Cain Easily Beats Weirdo Bianca Gracia
US Rep District 26 - Brandon Gill Wins WITHOUT Runoff
US Rep District 23 - Tony Gonzales Forced Into Runoff With Brandon Hererra
SD30 - Brent Hagenbuch and Jace Yarbrough Head to Runoff
Dallas County GOP Chair
Lt. Col. Allen West unseats Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu for chair.
Additionally, Hajdu’s husband also lost his precinct chair race to Lynn Davenport.
I don't see most of these as the big, huge wins they should have been. Was it the turnout, the uninformed, ignorant voters or the machines again ? Since 2020 and likely before that, we won't know whether we had another SELECTION or an actual ELECTION. As to voters...all I can say is the dumbing down of America and its people has been a huge success for the left. Tis a shame.