No, seriously, they want to diddle your kids.
Current Revolt received an anonymous tip and recording yesterday of a sex shop operator agreeing to help an 11 year old girl explore vibrators and her own sexuality.
Make no mistake: This is not an accident or a fluke. These freaks consistently invent reasons to be around children in increasingly sexual contexts. Here in Texas we have had numerous drag queen story hours. Leander at least put an end to it on public property:
Events in Leander have unfolded in roller-coaster fashion, as one newscaster said.
A DQSH took place in June with local residents and outside protestors at odds over the event. Approximately 130 people attended Leander's story hour, and about 275 people protested outside.
Then, the city decided to close the library on Saturday — the day DQSHs were held. The city explained the closing was a "precaution" because it expected demonstrations related to the "Drag Queen Story Time" event.
In that particular case, David Lee Richardson, the drag queen in question, has a 1996 arrest for male prostitution and,
continues making perverse jokes and allusions to prostitution on social media, which strongly suggests that he has no qualms about the sex trade. Some posts suggest that he has not left the prostitution/sex trade at all.
Current Revolt has long reported on the James Younger case. There, the courts have repeatedly chosen to give his non-biological mother custody despite her actively attempting to convert James to a girl named “Luna”.
They want access to your kids. That’s what this is. The left actively supports and abets pedophiles and sick freaks who want to pervert the good and the true. Don’t compromise with them. Drive them into the sea.