Chinese Gun-Grabbing Villain Gene Wu Now Coming For The First Amendment!
It’s not yours to give away, Eugene!
Listen folks, they’re not sending their best. People ask me, aren’t they good at math? Can you believe it? People really ask this. I tell them, yes, they really are good at math. They say we need more of these math people. I ask them “what the hell for?” They say “to do all the math.” This is what they say. Can you believe this is happening in our country? I tell them, I’ve done the math, and we can’t afford it. People can’t afford groceries. They can’t afford gasoline, and we certainly can’t afford to let in gun grabbers just because they are good at math!
Bill Would Eliminate Potential Defense for Poker Rooms
Texas Representative Gene Wu (D-Houston) has introduced a new bill in the Texas House of Representatives that would eliminate many of the defenses that these membership poker rooms have used. The bill, House Bill 732, is looking to close the loopholes that these businesses have used to circumvent Texas’ anti-gambling laws. These changes would be significant as it eliminates a defense that these rooms have used in the past to stay open.
There is no “loophole” and no “law being circumvented” when people meet together to play cards. This is the language of a tyrant.
People are allowed to meet together in private gatherings and play cards in a free country.
Wu’s bill would put terminology on the “private place” clause in the state’s gaming laws to “private residence,” meaning a home game and not a business. Wu is quoted by Jacob Vaughn of the Dallas Observer, stating that “since it is likely that creating a licensing process to regulate these clubs is not politically achievable in our current Legislature, we believe that clarifying the law in this manner is the only way to eliminate the confusion around these clubs.”
A licensing program to play cards is not politically achievable because it’s bizarre to claim you need to regulate private card games by requiring state government qualifications.
Who exactly benefits from shutting down poker clubs?
Gene Wu is from the Guangdong province in China, which just so happens to be the gambling capitol of the world. Gambling is illegal in most of China, but they have this special region where they basically have no rules.
I’m not saying that Wu has ethnic cohorts on the mainland who would benefit from Texas gamblers being forced into online markets, but you can see how this is a very possible situation. Such a thing would be very basic government corruption going global. And frankly you know the Chinese are more than capable of figuring out the “Chinese lawmaker in America” loophole.
The changing of that one word – from “place” to “residence” – would completely shut down the membership poker clubs in the state of Texas. In Dallas alone, 200 employees of the Texas Card House would be subject to losing their jobsm according to Vaughn, and $2 million in construction and business renovations would be lost. Other things could be at stake with the loss of these rooms.
The tyrant always seeks to ban the social clubs where men can gather and discuss the things the tyrant is doing to them. This has been true for thousands of years.
The Chinese are a people who have accepted totalitarian rule as their from of government. It seems to work OK for them, I guess. We are not China, and that’s just something they have to deal with. It doesn’t bother me what they do in China.
They eat weird animals in China, like stuff you wouldn’t typically think to eat, but they’re also not morbidly obese like Americans. It’s ok to be different.
However, we have a Texas State Representative from China who spends all his time trying to pass laws to restrict the rights of Americans and in a way that would ostensibly benefit Chinese markets?
The situation here is utterly ridiculous.
I’m not really even judging the Chinese people — after all, my own government is trying to replace me!
It’s really just a question of why no one but Current Revolt is going to point out how absurd this is?
He’s from China, he wants to take our rifles, and now, he wants to chip away at our freedom of assembly??And then the alternative to your local poker clubs is Chinese gambling websites?
What even is this?
Great article! Mr. Wu needs to return to China where he can live by the same laws he wishes to foist on Texans.
Excellent piece! Gene Wu has to be gotten out of office. We can, and should do better.