FORT WORTH: Christians Fire Warning Shot at BLM
Local blogger, virus scaredy-cat, and pedophila-denier Bud Kennedy has taken a break from downplaying the issue of child sex exploitation to report on something very exciting that happened. The Christian right is awakening and fighting back against the satanic, marxist, anti-American conspiracy theory terrorist movement of Black Lives Matter.
“Black Lives Matter” signs at a South Main Village florist were ripped down, stolen and destroyed Thursday before a faith-and-values Christian group’s Republican political rally next door.
Bud is as fastidious about what he reports as he is about what he eats. The man is lying his gullet off in the very first sentence. He says it’s a “Republican rally” despite the Republican Party having nothing to do with it. This is like someone reporting a BLM riot as “a Democrat rally.”
I can’t even comprehend this level of dishonesty, and I run a site that is fueled by hyperbole.
More than 30 small, simple signs printed on pale pink paper had been taped to The Greenhouse 817’s windows since April. Some also read, “No Justice — No Peace.”
They were subtle. Heck, they were barely readable from South Main Street.
“To have my property vandalized — it’s a little unfathomable. It makes you feel unsafe,” shop owner Deryk Poynor said.
The signs were stolen from her unoccupied shop in broad daylight, moments before a “Women for Amy” national bus tour arrrived for a rally to drum up support for Republican political candidates and for Judge Amy Comey Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination.
The rally was actually a victory dance for the impending downfall of the satanic child-sacrificing cabal that was created out of whole cloth as some kind of “civil right” by the Supreme Court in 1973.
Some of the signs were tossed in nearby trash, Poynor said.
“I think it’s extra suspicious that they were not just taken but thrown away,” she said.
The group’s stated goal is “promoting Biblical values and Constitutional principles …. impacting the culture for Christ.”
Poynor said she does not have security video. She is in the process of moving her shop, she said.
Bud goes on to tattle on two elected Republicans who attended the epic rally for Jesus Christ and didn’t wear the superstitious cloth masks.
Bud then claims that George Floyd (never forget) was killed by a police officer, despite anyone being able to pull up the autopsy report and see he had a heart attack from the insane levels of drugs, particularly fentanyl and meth, found in his system. This is like claiming stand-up comedian, Kat Williams, killed someone by telling jokes so funny that someone in the audience had a medical episode and died.
Black Lives Matter has been frick’n annoying to gosh darn heck for months. What’s been happening is random people show up and start yelling and assaulting people over an alleged genocide of blacks by police, looking for an altercation with someone who disagrees with their conspiracy theory.
This event was noteworthy because a group of Christians held a rally and showed BLM it’s possible to commit crimes of a political nature in a civilized manner. They even put the anti-American signs in a proper trash can after they took them down.
Most Marxists cannot comprehend a Christian who is not totally weak, submissive, and pathetic. This confuses them and leads to their brain short-circuiting, culminating with them declaring the strong person is “not a Christian.” The truth is, Jesus Christ is on record going buck wild in the temple (not a crime because it was His house) and he was eventually crucified because of his uncompromising intolerance of the Jew’s nonsense.
So good on these ladies. BLM, and those giving it aid and comfort, set the rules for politics in 2020 America. I really hope this is a turning point.
Obviously, we do not endorse, condone. encourage any illegal activity of any kind, and I would doubly suggest you avoid it if there is any political context or you are a particularly outspoken political person.
Remember kid, you’re under Virus Law now. Don’t expect a fair trial anytime in the foreseeable future.
I, for one, am getting sick of “democracy” or whatever it is we have.
I can’t wait for the monarchy.
After amassing 90% of its expected lifetime views and being removed from the front page of their website, the Bud Kennedy article smearing the Republican Party has been updated to admit that it was not a Republican rally.
See how this works? I’m told this is free speech. I’m not so sure about that.