If Republicans had any sense, they would orchestrate a nationwide campaign against Critical Race Theory and give it the more accurate label of “White Devil Conspiracy Theory.”
This Fox News article actually gives a good summary of the situation.
The Texas Senate on Saturday passed a new version of a House bill that would ban the teaching of critical race theory in public schools.
Sen. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, introduced the Senate version of HB 3979 Friday night. It passed around 2 a.m. Saturday with 18 Republicans in favor and all 13 Democrats opposed.
Here we have an issue within education that is 100% partisan.
Last nite & into the morning, Texas Senate debated #CriticalRaceTheory.
We must teach the truth about our history, & judge others based on the content of character & not the color of skin.
Honored to pass #HB3979 on behalf of Sen. @CreightonForTX. #txlege @Toth_4_Texas— Senator Bryan Hughes (@SenBryanHughes) May 22, 2021
The entire concept of “educating” the entire population of your country on “the truth of history” is questionable, at best.
If you are trying to create a cohesive, stable country with a vision for the future, you want to teach a version of history that supports those aims. Not some “fair and balanced” malarkey.
Furthermore, CRT is not an issue you only find in social studies. It’s in everything now, which is why everything sucks.
This definition is pretty good.
Critical race theory, or “CRT,” is a school of thought that focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities. It argues that race is a social construct that is weaponized by dominant groups to oppress others.
CRT’s supporters say it helps dominant groups’ understanding and empathy of what the oppressed experience on a regular basis. They say CRT training is a way to dismantle or weaken alleged structures imposing burdens through bias and discrimination.
But CRT’s opponents argue that it is inherently divisive, creates collective guilt for dominant groups, and assigns racial significance to seemingly innocuous concepts.
You’ll notice the very first term in this abridged definition is “power structures.” This is the central theme of critical race theory, and the reason that it’s an inherently political concept.
Power structures are not mentioned in the Republican’s CRT bill because these Republicans are morons.
Republicans did manage to cut out the compulsory education on “the history of white supremacy… and the ways in which it is morally wrong.”
Good job, I guess.
Let’s take a look at the bill, shall we?
So right out of the gate, we see the provision that everything within this bill is confined to social studies.
The reader can probably guess that there are other subjects besides social studies.
The bill compels teaching the foundational moral principles of America, which will undoubtably mean civil rights, gay marriage, abortion, gibberish about democracy, etc. There is zero chance the moral system of the Founding Fathers will be represented, that of White Christians from English colonies in the 18th century.
Here we see a half-baked attempt to compel some kind of neutrality with the so-called “diverse and contending” perspectives when discussing controversial subjects.
What this means in practice is that teachers will present views opposing liberalism as cartoonish straw men which will be easily torn down. Naturally young minds will be led to believe liberalism is the trendy, educated man’s view of the world.
The wheels really start to fall off on the next page.
Let’s revisit the beginners definition of critical race theory.
“Critical Race Theory is is a school of thought that focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities.”
Nowhere in critical race theory, either theory or in practical application, do they fixate on an individual in this way. What they are describing are symptoms of this destructive ideology.
They sort of hint at saying they can teach that affirmative action isn’t ok, but affirmative action has already been going on for decades and the supreme Court has said it’s wonderful and fine.
Honestly, the more I think about it, the more shocked I am that these Republicans would put out such garbage and claim that it addresses critical race theory.
Let’s look at the list again of who is running this scam.
The very last section of these restrictions begin to hint at critical race theory concepts, if you squint hard enough.
Once again, let’s look at the definition of Critical Race Theory.
Critical race theory (CRT) is a scholarly and political approach to examining race that leads to a consequential analysis and profound understanding of racism. It argues, as a starting point, that the axis of American social life is fundamentally constructed in race. As a result, the economic, political, and historical relationships and arrangements that social actors have to institutions and social processes are all race based. CRT also argues that, as a whole, this idea has been purposefully ignored, subdued, and marginalized in both the dominant and public discourse and that there are serious repercussions that arise from this structural blindness (Mills, 1997, p. 153)…. One of the important tenets of CRT is the assertion that race is socially constructed, yet it denotes explicitly and implicitly how power is used and appropriated in society.
Source: Thompson, Sherwood. Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice
Later, Senator Brandon Creighton tacked on an amendment to create a “Civics Training Program.
Estimated to cost $14,600,000 a year, the civics training program will “facilitate the teaching” of the aforementioned malarkey.
A huge red flag, along with not defining and therefore not banning critical race theory, is this new program actually opens the door for CRT to be worked into every subject.
Since critical race theory is never defined properly, this sentence will open the door for it to rip through the entire school!
Parents will become even more outraged, and you know what the leftists will say?
”Why are you complaining? Don’t you know Republicans already banned critical race theory?”
It’s a situation where Republicans can’t help but make every wrong move.
Republicans later accepted an amendment requiring the history of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 be taught, which is painted as the second American Founding in public schools, and even more important than 1776.
This “other subject areas” amendment will lead to civil rights being taught in your math class, and the 13th amendment examined in biology class.
What else would you expect to come from such language?
How to fight against CRT in the long term is a question that, frankly, conservatives are not ready to face.
In the meantime, here are some previously covered ideas to take action on now.
Demand and require anything related to critical theory or social justice be specifically defined. This measure alone fatally weakens this agenda.
Make all educational materials easily available to parents.
Require all classes be recorded and available for parents to watch. If police wear body cams then teachers can too.
Create a framework in which education related to social power structures is tightly controlled.
Educate students on the insidious agenda of the neo-marxists and postmodernists, the histories and philosophies behind it, emphasizing the extreme leftist influence and connections to marxism and neo-marxism.
Teach students that the Supreme Court of the United States just makes things up whilly nilly.
Ultimately, our long term the strategy has to be to primary out all these incompetent Republicans. This will begin in the Great Reset of the GOP in 2022.
We know people in Austin are reading this site. We can see the metrics.
You know how many lawmakers reached out to us to understand the topic of CRT better?
Texas Republicans passing this joke of a bill would halt all the momentum conservatives have gained in all these school board insurgencies we see happening.
You get what you deserve, retards.