Most bills filed in the Texas legislature never make it out of their assigned committees. There are only 3 days left for bills to advance through committee, so there’s going to be a lot of shuffling around for the next few days.
Since Texas Republicans like to play it safe and not take on our slave masters in Washington DC directly, we want to promote some legislation that will go over most people’s heads but still help Texans, and since they are hearing one of these bills in committee like right now, I’ll cut to the chase.
Globalists are trying to roll out a Fabian technocracy, a managed and planned economy with international government-corporate collusion with virtually no property rights, along with a one-world currency they will use to control the population based on the social ideologies from Frankfurt School Marxists. Either you are familiar with the factual and historical basis of this statement or you aren’t.
If you are against this hellish future, here are two pieces of legislation that you want to support: an amendment to the constitution to protect us from a monopoly digital currency (beast system) and the creation of a modern, transactional gold currency created by the state of Texas.
A feature on the amendment was featured in our paid Friday article, which I will reprint here because the hearing is literally now.
Again, you need to *bare minimum* click the link and register support for the amendment right now. Don’t be lazy af and then cry later.
The Right to Use Cash and Cash Substitutes
Amendments to the Texas Constitution must be passed in the form of a Joint Resolution by 2/3rds of both the Texas House and Senate before finally being sent to the general election ballot for voters to approve.
The following proposed amendment was written and created in 2017 by Tom Glass, in conjunction with other patriots, in the Facebook group Right to Use Cash.
The resolution was filed in the 85th session in the form of a House Joint Resolution a by Republicans Matt Schaefer and Matt Krause.Later sessions saw the bill introduced as well, but none of the resolutions ever made it to the floor for a vote.
It’s been filed again in the 88th, this time in the House and Senate.
We reached out to Tom Glass to tell us more about this amendment and it’s potential to improve the lives of Texans in the future.
Why is the right to use cash important for citizens of Texas?
Protection of the financial health and privacy of Texans.
In inflationary times, Texans need to be able to protect the wealth they have worked a lifetime to accumulate from a devaluing dollar by using alternative stores of wealth. When Texans can use more stable forms of currency, not only is each family’s financial situation made more secure, the Texas economy better weathers the storm. Texans need protection from FDR style executive order confiscations of gold or attacks on digital currency. And we need protection from bank failures and bank “haircuts.”
Being forced into storing all your wealth in a financial institution or a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) destroys privacy and delivers to the government the ultimate police state weapon to control everyone via Chinese social credit scores and cancellations.
Why do you think that Texans should add a Right to Use Cash Amendment to their constitution?
The most likely violator of Texans’ natural right to use their currency of choice is the federal government, and the U.S. Constitution’s Ninth Amendment protects natural rights not explicitly documented in the other amendments. We want to give a Ninth Amendment challenge in the federal judiciary the best chance we can. Texas explicitly adding a recognition of this natural right to its Bill of Rights will go a long way to helping the Ninth Amendment solution.
Do you believe the federal government would honor such an amendment or would they attempt to nullify?
The federal government is an equal opportunity natural rights and Constitution violator. I expect that they will ignore the Texas Bill of Rights addition we make. But, the Ninth Amendment challenge in the federal judiciary will have a MUCH better chance of prevailing when the feds do violate the right.
What can people do now to help HJR 146 and SJR 67 get on the ballot?
To amend the Texas Constitution, two-thirds of each legislative branch must vote for sending it to the voters, who must approve it by a majority. That means, we must have both Republicans and Democrats vote for the House and Senate joint resolutions. The good news about that is that the hatred of national and global financial elites using government to enhance their wealth at the expense of Texans runs across party and ideological lines.
HJR 146 has been assigned to the House Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Committee, chaired by the resolution author, Giovani Capriglione. Contacting members of that committee of both parties to urge adoption is the first step.
SJR 67 has been assigned to Senate Business & Commerce, chaired by Senator Charles Schwertner. The members of that committee also need contacting.
Every member of the Texas legislature should be urged to joint or co-author the legislation in his or her respective chamber.
CLICK: Provide testimony in support of this bill HERE
Other states have filed anti-CBDC legislation, but none go as far as Texas in asserting that the federal government is sticking their noses where no government is welcome—into the intimate, personal dealings of a free people.
“…No government shall prohibit or encumber the ownership or holding of any form or amount of money or other currency.”
You can find out more about this amendment here. Click the link above to sign your name in support.
This next bill I am less familiar with, but it primarily aims to take the Texas Bullion Depository from a complete and total hoax and scam and make it something useful. The bill seems to be a good compliment to the constitutional amendment.
Constitution-Based Texas Transactional Currency (TTC)
Information on this bill and how you can help it in the next few days to follow.
B2334 Hughes:
Has been referred to Senate Finance Committee and needs a hearing
Companion HB4903 Dorazio:
Has been referred to House State Affairs Committee and needs a hearing
For the Senate, SB 2334:
1.) We need you to call and email Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Senator Hughes and Chairman of the Finance Committee, Senator Huffman.
Ask them to push SB2334 to be heard in the Finance Committee next week.
Lt. Gov Dan Patrick 512-463-0001
Senator Bryan Hughes 512-463-0101
Senator Joan Huffman 512-463-0117
2.) Then email the entire Senate Finance Committee Members.
Ask them to hear SB2334 and vote it out of committee immediately.
Senate Finance Committee:
Chair:Sen. Joan Huffman
Vice Chair:Sen. Juan Hinojosa
Members:Sen. Paul Bettencourt Sen. Donna Campbell Sen. Brandon Creighton Sen. Pete Flores Sen. Bob Hall Sen. Kelly Hancock Sen. Bryan Hughes Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst Sen. Robert Nichols Sen. Angela Paxton Sen. Charles Perry Sen. Charles Schwertner Sen. Royce West Sen. John Whitmire Sen. Judith Zaffirini
For the House Bill Companion, because we are running out of time and we have to hit both Chambers, HB4903:
1.) We need you to call and email Chairman of the House State Affairs Committee, Representative Todd Hunter.
Ask him to push HB4903 to be heard in the State Affairs Committee next week.
Representative Todd Hunter 512-463-0672
2.) Then email the entire House State Affairs Committee Members.
Ask them to hear HB4903 and vote it out of committee immediately.
House State Affairs Committee:
Chair:Rep. Todd Hunter
Vice Chair:Rep. Ana Hernandez
Members:Rep. Rafael Anchía Rep. Jay Dean Rep. Charlie Geren Rep. Ryan Guillen Rep. Will Metcalf Rep. Richard Peña Raymond Rep. Shelby Slawson Rep. John T. Smithee Rep. David Spiller Rep. Senfronia Thompson Rep. Chris Turner
IF your Senator or your Representative serves on either of these committees, make sure to identify yourself as a constituent in THEIR DISTRICT. It matters.