Craig Goldman CHOSEN As House GOP Caucus Chair
This is going to be the most ________ legislative session ever.
The official Twitter account for the Texas House Republican Caucus announced a new leadership lineup on Monday for the upcoming 88th Session.

The slate of leaders was widely praised by many as being the most diverse Republican caucus in history – a Jew, a Gringo, a Ginger, and Jacey Jetton (unknown ethnicity but very diverse.)
Finally we can get back to the business of conservative governance and putting Israel first.
No man can serve two masters, which is why it’s so wonderful to have leadership with a clear vision on the purpose of government.
Virulent antisemites are seething at the fact Texas keeps making it illegal not to support Israel and still be able to do business with the State.
Texas has passed a number of viewpoint discrimination anti-BDS laws with no debate, championed by Craig Goldman, who appears to support Israel. Like a lot.
The bills are given priority 0, and fly through both chambers to the governor’s desk.
As they should, of course.
However, racist judges keep overturning these laws on the basis of something called “the constitution” which the SPLC has defined as an antisemitic canard. Thankfully, the Texas legislature keeps passing new anti-BDS laws immediately after they are struck down for violating Texans’ rights.
Not a single member of the Texas legislature ever votes against the the unconstitutional laws, because violating the constitution for Israel is who we are.
So what makes Craig Goldman the most qualified house member to do the job?
Sorry, I’m not going to entertain questions from antisemites.

The 88th legislative session is going to be the most conservative session ever.
Fucked up legislative session ever and they will remain clueless until we get rid of them if we can first get rid of the voting machines and Heider Garcia who selected these perps for us on someone's behalf. Certainly not on our behalf. Likely the illegal's and refugeejadist's behalf.