Texas Senate Legalizes White Supremacy, White Supremacist Takeover Imminent!
White Supremacists are everywhere, and their takeover is happening now. Did you think this site’s WHITE background was a coincidence?
The Texas Senate on Friday voted to end a requirement for schools to teach about the civil rights movement.
It includes a proposal to drop required teaching that white supremacy is morally bad as part of social studies classes.
The bill is a way of becoming law: it still requires consent of the Texas House of Representatives, which is currently in gridlock after a large number of Democrats fled the state.
Oh that’s right, the Democrats are totally in control as per usual. Republicans did an “arrest the Dems” hoax because they are complete scam artists.
The new rules are part of Senate Bill 3, and passed the state Senate by 18 votes to 4 on Friday. It would remove the mandate to teach the achievements of civil rights figures including Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez and Susan B Anthony.
Ceasar Chavez’s greatest achievement was calling Mexicans “wetbacks” as he fought for American workers, and MLK’s greatest achievement is when he said he founded the “International Association for the Advancement of Pussy Eaters.”
Also removed from course requirements is teaching the history of white supremacy, the eugenics movement and the KKK, and “the ways in which it is morally wrong.”
This is an absolute disgrace that these Republicans would remove the requirement to teach that white people are morally wrong. What kind of message does this send to people of color?
White Supremacy, which is never defined, is pure evil.
How do I know? They teach it in school, ya big dummy.
I really don’t even know what “white supremacy” is supposed to mean. When you ask people what it is, they act as if you aren’t allowed to ask.
Naturally, no Republicans in the House bothered to ask what it meant before it was mandated by law to be taught to children in schools.
The “White Supremacy clause” was worked into HB3979 by James Talarico, who I assume is some kind of homosexual due to the fact that he has such a strong desire to tell the rest of us what is “morally wrong.”
As far as I can tell, James Talarico seems to be some kind of anti-Christ figure. He is one of the most talented politicians I’ve ever seen on the Democrat side. He’s extremely intelligent, has an alluring, demonic energy about him (you can’t serve Satan and not have demonic energy) and he seems almost professionally trained in leftist dialectic.
I‘ve said on my telegram channel I believe it’s possible he is some kind of MK Ultra patient. The way he says there are six biological sexes with a straight face as justification for transgender experiments on kids as a matter of public policy is really something to behold,
Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter whether Talarico believes it when he claims there are six genders. What matters is he’s saying it with a straight face and he says it with the backing of every multinational corporation, every big tech oligarch, and every government in the West.
As much as I don’t want to, I need to tell you the reader that this man is dangerous. The only thing he has working against him is he’s an evil white male, but this is obviously a weapon used selectively by the left to destroy right wing movements.
He almost slipped through legislation last session that would have allowed primary school credits for political activism.
Talarico, the Democrats, and the left more broadly know the power of education and narratives.
Republicans, on the other hand seem to be chosen by the donor class based on how stupid they are, and how thick their Texas accent is.
To correct their disastrous “CRT ban,” bills have been filed in both the House and Senate. They probably won’t go anywhere, because Republicans have put Democrats in charge of everything, but some of the language showcases why conservatives keep losing.
From both bills:
Not only is “racism” never defined (critical theory redefines racism as American institutions existing) but according to this, America was a founded on betrayal and failures, which is the exact same talking point as the left!
Why bother with electing Democrats when Republicans will do the left’s work for them?
How I would frame the topic is that “America used to have slaves, indentured servants, things like this. This was common throughout the world for thousands of years. Most, but not all, slaves in the US were black. At one point, America decided it wasn’t going to do conventional slavery anymore, and instead went with a model where 98% of the citizens are debt slaves. This is said by some to be a more moral system.”
All this apologizing is weakness, and that weakness is why we are losing. There is simply no room for this weakness.