Former Texas High School Principal and current race hustler, James Whitfield, was called to defend CRT before a Congressional panel
…spoiler alert….
He failed.
A Florida congressman defended his state’s recent rejection of math textbooks due to their promotions of different ideologies, taking time at a House subcommittee hearing on free speech to provide an example from one of the books.
"This is math now," Donalds said, noting that this graph was an example Florida’s Board of Education gave for why they rejected the book.
"Should this bar graph talking about implicit bias or racial bias be included in a mathematics textbook, not just in the state of Florida, but in any state in the union?" he asked the panel.
Panelist James Whitfield, former principal of Colleyville Heritage High School in Texas, defended the graph.
"This may be something that certain people view as uncomfortable, but racial prejudice is a real thing and I dare say our students get that, they understand that," Whitfield said.
Whitfield was selected for this panel because he was recently fired from Colleyville Heritage High School for aggressively pushing a CRT agenda. An agenda, which he confusingly both denied doing, but also supported doing.
Looks like the parents in Grapevine-Colleyville ISD made the right call removing Whitfield. Since being fired, he has travelled around the country trying to make a career as a CRT martyr. Proving the parents were right about him.
Losers, like Whitfield, love CRT “math” and will always support it. This is the ideology that has allowed him to climb up the ranks of academia without any real qualifications other than his blackness.
Durning the hearing, Whitfield was stunned by Rep. Donalds opposition to teaching minorities to hate white kids. You would think a man like Whitfield, with a doctorate degree in CRT, would be capable of defending it, but he isn’t.
Marxists are accustomed to being able to push their agenda on kids without consequence, so when they get the slightest bit of pushback they fall apart. Leftist arguments, like CRT, have no merit, they rely on social pressure and censorship to silence their opponents without a debate.
In the most important segment of the panel, Whitfield inadvertently reveals the goal of pushing all this weird Marxist stuff in schools; they want kids to be “uncomfortable” at school. They want to get to them where they are vulnerable. At school, they are without the support of their families and church leaders. Their goal is for students to be so uncomfortable at school that they will accept the most extreme positions to make the persecution stop.
When Rep. Donalds asks Whitfield and this panel of weirdos to defend CRT all the White panelists dutifully turn to the black man for his response. This is how they demonstrate that they have fully internalized the woke Marxist ideology. I’m honestly surprised none of them got up to kneel before Whitfield while he spoke.
Even Whitfield was thrown off when they used him as a human shield for their agenda.
All across the country, Blacks are being manipulated by the ruling class to create a violent racial conflict that will undermine US stability. They will, in turn, grant themselves more authoritarian power to “keep you safe”. Whitfield and his brothas will be used and then cast aside when no longer needed. In Marxism, this is endgame for the Black race, if only Whitfield could see it.
I don’t know if we can save the Nation from the full Marxist takeover, but we can definitely save Texas.
Thank you for keeping us "current" here in Texas. No one does it better!!!!