Today wraps up our Under 30 series.
We appreciate everyone who took the time to chat with us and share their views with our readers.
There are several not featured who either, did not return a response, or said they could not risk being featured.
If you are in leadership, please note the commonality in answers to questions such as “what issues are you passionate about” for an idea as to how to possibly attract more GenZ participation.
As we enter 2022 we look forward to seeing what everyone listed accomplishes and also new rising activists in Texas politics.
Konner Earnest has been a vocal and fearless critic of Conroe Independent School District fighting against their leftist agenda. When Conroe ISD claimed it didn’t teach ‘critical race theory,’ Konner came forward with a videotape, which he played for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees at a public board meeting in which a teacher harassed white students for being oppressors of people of color. Konner has received multiple awards for his activism and continues to work in politics to make Texas a better place.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
BLM and anti-white saviors burning down our country, the weakness, impetulance, and fecklessness of the GOP and it’s elected officials. We’ve had an stolen election, a president in name only implement vaccine mandates nationwide, and our kids are being brainwashed and anything from the right to fight this is nothing more than words, and this is just the start.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Abolition of Abortion with no exceptions.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
As far as the future of our country and state go, I am a realist. As history has shown us nations rise and fall. America rose in a time of prosperity. This same prosperity created generations of highly educated but sparsely intelligent (pseudo-intellectuals) and entitled individuals who have brought our country to an utter and increasingly obvious state of vice, degeneracy, and complacency. But Texas is going in the right direction in relation to the rest of the country.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right and wrong?
The RPT has a wide and extensive platform that I agree with 99% of the time out of the 337 planks. The legislative priorities are also a great way to keep elected officials in the state house accountable to what they were elected to do. They are specific, measurable, and most importantly, conservative priorities! The RPT unlike the RNC does not take place in leftist identity politics by steering away from any coalitions, most notably ones having to do with the sinful/anti-family movement of homosexuals. The RNC is openly branding themselves as a big tent, in the end this closes the door on millions of Christians, and opens the door for people who will never vote for conservative candidates in the first place. The RNC also has scare tactic messaging of “socialism!” or “Beto bad!” instead of proactive messaging that spearheads our conservative values to put those who are adamantly opposed to our beliefs on the defense. Simply put, people who run as Republicans need to be held accountable to that and the RNC is not currently doing that. The RPT is grassroots to the core, that’s what makes it different. The only criticism I have for RPT is that it affiliates with state-wide groups that have Republican in their name as well but do not reflect the values of conservatism or the RPT through auxiliaries.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
John Doyle, Edmund Burke, and Pat Buchanan have been the most influential on the worldview and philosophy I hold today. America First! The book of Job also influences who I am and the way I look at things.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
Most favorite: Chris Pratt
Least Favorite: Christian Walker
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
This is definitely based on a person to person basis and where their faith is. You could look at it from the perspective of the Koch brothers who were looked at as conservative but we’re truly the first to advocate in the mainstream for entirely open borders and the idea of “stapling diplomas to green cards” for the sake of their wallets at the cost of our country and it’s heritage. But this is not the case for everyone. If you hold true to the law of Christ, it will be easy to stick to your beliefs. But this in itself is no easy task. If not, then no. No matter financial standing. It explicitly and strictly has to do with your relationship with the Lord almighty, nothing else.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Tuff with Huff. Huffines Hooligan. Huffines for Governor. I’m on team Huffines, no excuses!
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I got a job and took classes at the local junior college online.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
No corporation or any entity should be able to mandate any medical procedure on anyone, full stop. I am not vaxxed, will not get vaxxed, will not get tested, etc.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I watch HOC on a daily basis, AFLive with Nick Fuentes, listen to slightly offensive, read American Conservative, read the theology and philosophical section of the Epoch Times, read books on leadership from current and former world leaders and watch old speeches of Pat Buchanan.
What are your future plans in politics?
Currently working for Don Huffines and plan on being an activist as much as possible in the future as I have been in the past.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I like to watch movies, travel, listen to music, and read Current Revolt.
How can Texans help you?
Texas can help me by, auditing our elections, deporting illegals (and Democrats) and stop letting any and all immigrants including but not limited to refugees, asylum seekers, and Californians, effectively ban vaccine mandates and the tenets of CRT in government and education, and tax all woke companies at a 100% rate (because that’s what they advocate for themselves) and redistribute that money to explicitly non-woke small business owners!
Where can people go to follow you online?
Instagram: earnekon
Facebook: Konner Earnest
Hannah, a native Texan, has been involved in politics for almost all of her professional career. She was the legislative Director for Rep Kyle Biedermann in 2017, worked on Jonathan Stickland’s Campaign in 2017, and worked on several other state house races including the now Texas GOP Chair and star of Transgender Avengers, Matt Rinaldi. She was also the campaign manager for Jeff Cason’s primary race in 2020. She now serves as the Deputy Political Director for the Don Huffines campaign and is serving her third year as a Tarrant County GOP precinct chair. On her rare free time she volunteers for the Birth choice Crisis Pregnancy Center in Dallas
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
I grew up right outside of liberal Austin, in Bastrop, where my parents were always involved in Republican politics, especially after the formation of the Tea Party. I remember a time when I was in high school, some kids at school told me they’d seen my dad on the news the night before, driving Congressman Lloyd Doggett out of a local grocery store where he was speaking. I found out later that night that that definitely did happen. I spent many Saturdays blockwalking with my mom and talking about politics with our neighbors. I would choose to watch C-SPAN over kids programming any day. I’ve always had the politics bug and believe that if conservatism is explained thoughtfully, most people agree with it. I think that’s an outcome worth fighting for.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Gun rights are probably my top issue. If the People aren’t able to protect themselves against government, any other debate will eventually become moot. The only thing that protects our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or any of our other important rights is our right to keep and bear arms.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
I’m optimistic- especially about the cultural direction of our generation’s Texas conservative movement. People our age have been exposed to the ravages of left-wing thinking on the culture. A world where we’re free to grow our wealth but where our families can’t leave the house without seeing men in dresses still isn’t a world we want to live in. I think our generation is done with weak GOP leadership that promises meager tax cuts and nothing else. We’re ready to fight for truth and virtue and I think that’s a very good thing.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
I think the Republican Party, our activists, and our voters are right on the issues and have great, solid values to build a nation upon.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
Our Republican elected officials too often see bipartisanship as some great virtue to aspire, when pulling punches against the Left is not a virtue. There is no reason, other than a lack of political courage and willpower, that almost every single plank of the Republican Party Platform of Texas should not be law right now. While an individual legislator might not have the coalition they need to get a major law passed, our Governor has every ability to set whatever priorities he wants to set for the legislature. And he can call them into special session after special session until they pass his priorities to his satisfaction. Just because someone goes on Fox News once a week, doesn’t mean that they’re giving their all to the well-being of the voters who put them into office.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
Growing up in a loving Christ-centered family where I was encouraged to ask questions definitely made the biggest positive impact on me. Reading “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville is really what pushed me to start examining why people believe what they do about politics and what makes America a fundamentally different place from anywhere else on Earth. It helped me refine my views and think clearly about what I believed. I highly recommend it to any young conservatives who really want to understand why we, as Americans, are the way we are.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb?
Andrew Klavan has always been my favorite person to listen to because of his takes on culture. Obviously, John Doyle is quite funny.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I don’t know that it becomes easier but you become tougher. When you’re young, you care more about what everyone else thinks of you but if you can practice acting in accordance with what you know is right in spite of that pressure, you grow into being a stronger person. This makes everything in life easier to deal with, later on.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
I am proudly supporting Don Huffines.
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I phone-banked for a state house race that I was supporting. I made thousands of calls. Usually, people aren’t all that thrilled to get political phone calls but it was amazing how many people just wanted to talk to someone because they weren’t leaving their house at all. It was sad that people were so lonely but it gave what I was doing even more meaning than the usual political calling. Sometimes I’d stay on the line longer than was necessary to gain their support, because people wanted to talk about missing their grandkids or worrying about how their working-age kids were going to pay the bills with everything locked down. I got to pray with a lot of people. It was a blessing to be able to speak with so many people during that time.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I don’t believe that your employer should be able to even request your vaccination status. That should be private medical information, especially since this vaccination clearly doesn’t work very well and can’t prevent transmission of COVID (which means that it no longer has a strong community benefit). I had COVID and have natural immunity. I have not chosen to take this particular vaccine.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I’m currently reading The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible by Michael Heiser. I’m really wanting to better understand my own faith in Christ and to be able to better defend what I believe so I’ve been diving into that along with Heiser’s “The Naked Bible Podcast”. So far, I’m loving both of these.
What are your future plans in politics?
I’m always open to doing whatever is needed to benefit the conservative movement. Activism will always be my primary focus.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I’ve recently gotten back into Krav Maga. It’s a lot of fun and unlike many martial art forms, is really good for self-defense.
How can Texans help you?
Honestly, if you’ll get politically active in your own community and commit to yourself not to take excuses from politicians (even ones you might personally like), that would be a huge gift. If you want to know how to be effective, you’re always welcome to reach out and ask questions on social media.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Twitter: Hannah4Freedom
Declared the Conservative Purity Czar by the Left-wing media, Cary Cheshire currently serves as the President of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and the CEO of Cheshire Industries.
Prior to heading up Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Cary worked for Texas Scorecard where he started as the paper’s inaugural capitol correspondent covering the Texas Legislature in 2015. He has also worked on a number of conservative candidates and causes including U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s inaugural Senate campaign.
A sixth generation Texan, Cary grew up in Southeast Texas and attended Texas A&M University. He is a Catholic, a cancer survivor, and craft beer cicerone.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
I can’t remember a time when I haven’t been active. When I was a kid I was the one who was reading the Wall Street Journal and watching Bill O’Reilly all the time.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
The dignity of the human person. There’s a lot of different “-ism’s” and ideas in politics, but almost none of them are good for the sake of themselves. They are only good in so far as they advance the dignity, agency, and value of human beings created in the image of God.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future? Why or why not?
Very optimistic. The scale and speed of political awakening within the Texas GOP has honestly been pretty jarring and proceeded a lot faster than I expected. We’ve gone from being the party of George Bush to the party of Donald Trump.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
The ability of grassroots citizens to move within the party and set the focus for the party is absolutely commendable. I am so proud of Jill Glover, Matt Rinaldi, and the other patriots who have taken over the party have been able to do and I am proud of our party platform.
#IronSharpensIron #LeadRight #Unity
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
The worst part of the Republican Party is the large number of leaders, organizations, and activists who have this warped perspective that places subsidiary values like politeness and “decency” above securing victories for our voters.
It’s the David French mindset of folks who go around seeking moral victories. You know what kind of people have moral victories? Losers. People who win just have victories.
It is not noble to allow your enemies to defeat you because you decided to play by house rules and surrender. It is not noble to ignore the desires of your voter base to refuse to enact the legislative goals you campaigned on and instead focus your efforts on bipartisan comity and criminal justice reform. It is not noble to place the interests of immigrants above those of citizens.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
My faith and my family. The biggest political influence is Donald Trump. I was a follower of Ron Paul and member of the Pat Buchanan Brigade, but Trump caused such an earthquake that rocked the establishment and redefined the political landscape.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
Favorite? Lord Miles Rutledge. Least favorite is for sure David French and I think he knows it.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I think so, but I also think it’s really hard for a lot of folks to be public with their beliefs while they are trying to climb the corporate ladder, build a business, or provide for their family with the social pressures of today’s society.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines. I’ve known Don for about eight years and have always been impressed with his courage and conviction. I respect Allen and Chad, but Huffines is in a different category entirely. I don’t think anyone is confused about what I think about Greg Abbott.
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
Video games and books. I try to read at least 12 books every year.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I am increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of power concentrated in the hands of globalist oligarchs. I am not in favor of the COVID vaccine mandates or discriminatory treatment of employees who have chosen not to receive the vaccine.
I have not taken a COVID vaccine and I don’t intend to.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
Reading? Chronicles Magazine. Watching? Nerdy YouTube videos of ancient battles. Listening to? The Lord of Spirits podcast. Consuming? More red meat and fewer seed oils. (editors note: everyone should trash all their seed oils)
What are your future plans in politics?
More of what I’m doing which is kind of just whatever needs doing, nothing specific.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
Pre-COVID I really enjoyed traveling internationally. In our new society I enjoy going to the park with my 11-month-old German Shepherd.
How can Texans help you? (Do you need followers, more help with an issue, feedback? This can be anything.)
Looking for a future wife. DM’s are open!
Where can people go to follow you online? (Social media links)
You can follow me on Twitter at @CaryCheshireTX .
Russell Huffines has worked in politics since 2012, when he was 12. He interned for Jonathan Stickland in his last session. He also worked for the Trump 2020 campaign on the finance team. Russell owns a firework stand that, we’ve been told, has the best fireworks in Texas. The son of Don Huffines, he’s working on the campaign to help his father secure a better future for Texas. We’ve also heard from multiple sources that Russell Huffines really loves Waffle House.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
I have always been aware of politics, but I would say volunteering for Ron Paul in 2012. We went up to New Hampshire and I have never phone banked that hard… I was 12.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
We are facing many issues today, but I would say the broken education system and higher ed. Too many commies teaching college and too many commies teaching high school and younger. It is ripple effect that has impacted our society for the worse.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future? Why or why not?
Optimistic. Because of Don Huffines.
Buy low. It isn’t going to be that way for long.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
The Texas Republican platform is solid, but the Republican Party… as a whole? No comment.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
Not enough fighters, the establishment likes to compromise to hold onto power.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
My father. His vision, foresight, and courage is unmatched. I have been very blessed and soon Texas will be just as blessed.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
It is always easy to speak truth.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
1) Don Huffines
2) Rick Perry
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I started working out and started a Firework company. Literally and figuratively.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
Demand the execs to get every vaccine every created all at once. Like literally every single one, especially the really old ones from like the 900s AD.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
Only things I am listening to are Texans and Goth Babe.
What are your future plans in politics?
Get Don elected, get out. Quick and easy.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
Sometimes I call Cary Cheshire to see why I am wrong about everything. It is demoralizing but I enjoy it.
How can Texans help you?
Vote for Don Huffines. That’s it. Very simple.
Where can people go to follow you online?
There’s a reason John Doyle is one of the most referenced influencers by the nominees in our Under 30. John Doyle was once listed by Newsweek as one of the “Young, Diverse, Conservative stars Progressives need to fear’ in 2020” and we’d say that title will carry on very long into the future.
John Doyle runs a YouTube show called “Heck Off, Commie!” where he has over 325,000 subscribers. He discusses trending issues and his opposition to left-wing and moderate ideologies. He is very critical of poronography, feminism, BLM, communism, abortion, and satanism.
John Doyle moved to Texas in 2020 and we’re blessed to have him.
What event/topic/issue got you interested in politics?
My earliest political memory is driving through the neighborhoods of southeast Michigan in 2004, frantically booing every time I saw a Kerry yard sign and cheering every time I saw a Bush yard sign. This instinctive understanding of the Friend-Enemy Distinction would end up serving me well. But my Dad having explained to me the concept of Welfare sometime during the 2008 Election cycle is what radicalized me.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
People who are inclined towards (or at least sympathetic to) Right-wing thought often view themselves as something of a template into which the rest of society can more or less fit. “I act in good faith, therefore they act in good faith. I have agency, therefore they have agency.” This results in a misunderstanding of Left-wing thought as a conscious, harmless difference of opinion rather than something downstream from spiritual sickness. Leftism, properly understood, is the mass-mobilization of the spiritually-ill. This question even acknowledges that passion, your spirit is what drives your politics – not facts and logic. You could never sit down over coffee with a feminist protester who just publicly consumed an abortion pill and convince them via Socratic dialogue, supplemented with a binder of data which literally proves that you are correct, to join your side with the same passion. It is impossible. The Right-wing fixation on facts and logic exists concurrently to the Right-wing fixation on “principles” and “respectability politics,” all of which are propagated by a class of people who enjoy masturbating to their self-image as a true intellect or true statesman or whatever. (Andrew Jackson would fix fast!) The point being that if we are to win, we must attack that which breeds despair – State-adjacent media, State-subsidies of poison food and water, the mass-alteration of the collective endocrine system of society, the impossibility of The American Dream, predatory financial institutions, and Godlessness, namely. Failure to grasp this will result in more wasted time, which we desperately cannot afford, while a handful of people perniciously convince us that we still have a shot by making millions of dollars going viral on mainstream social media websites stating basic criticisms of only the most extreme manifestations of current Leftist thought.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
I’d say that I am generally optimistic about it. I’m hesitant to make any concrete declarations only because I moved here less than a year ago, so I acknowledge and respect that the opinions of the Native Texans take precedence over mine – assimilation, so important – but I will say that there is something very real about The Texan Spirit that I haven’t observed elsewhere in the country which does make me optimistic.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Literally nothing.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
Literally everything.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
A meme I saw in 2017 of Pepe about to be decapitated by an NPC where he is asked if he has any last words, to which he replies “muh principles!” before being decapitated. Changed my whole life.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
I can’t say that I regularly watch anyone else’s content, which I’ve found is common amongst people who create content. As for a least-favorite? No! I’m a businessman, I get along with everyone!
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
Yes. A generation ago, this would’ve been because “when you start paying your own taxes, you’ll see!” But now as you age, particularly as a young man, you start to break the conditioning of automatically deferring to group consensus, perceived authority, etcetera, which is absolutely necessary for being authentically Right-wing presently.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines.
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I suppose I was uniquely blessed in that the lockdowns had a comically insignificant effect on my day-to-day life as a Right-wing E-Boy. The only real difference was going through the Drive-thru to get a coffee instead of walking inside. That being said, seeing just how evil these people really are inspired me to seriously invest time into binging old books to where now I feel I can confidently say that I’ve achieved something approximating an autistic understanding of history and political power, which my cool friends and I will demonstrate in the future!
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
The state should absolutely mandate against vaccine mandates. Those who are both smug and of average intelligence – unequivocally the most dangerous combination – will contest this because “mandating against mandates is hypocritical.” This is how a child or a libertarian conceptualizes politics. Forcing a business to use its resources to act against the wishes of its owners, for example by forcing Christian bakers to bake wedding cakes for two men, is decidedly unrelated to the issue of whether an employee is vaccinated against a fake virus which would have absolutely no effect on anything pertaining to their job, especially since even the MSM is now admitting what we’ve said for like a year now – that the vaccines don’t even work or prevent transmission. Stop pledging allegiance to the abstract and start pledging allegiance to The American People. And as for my vaccine status, I am unvaccinated and there is *literally* nothing anyon
e could do to change that. There has never been such a thorough, consolidated force of propaganda, orchestrated by virtually everyone who we know are the most evil people on the planet, to do something that we know virtually nothing about. For that reason, I would die before complying with them. Those without conviction (and pure blood, probably) cannot understand this.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I’ve been reading my Bible a lot more recently, particularly Romans and Matthew. Other than that, I’ve been trying to work through the tremendous Book Queue that I continuously aggregate because one of my worst habits is impulse-buying used books online by about the dozen.
What are your future plans in politics?
The Slow Ascent to Power (real)
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I used to be really good at drums but I never achieved a level of technical proficiency at it that satisfied me because it was more fun to just play songs by ear, but then a few years ago I got really into blink-182 (you wouldn’t get it) largely because Travis Barker is an incredibly gifted and technical drummer. I want to be able to play through the entire Enema of the State album in one sitting by the end of this summer. Suburban White Identity depends on it.
How can Texans help you?
Follow me on social media, watch my content, and tell me in what other ways I can help.
Where can people go to follow you online?