Throughout the week we will be introducing the top political activists, players, and rising stars in the Texas right-wing political sphere under 30 years old.
The individuals featured were either nominated by right-wing leadership or chosen, by Current Revolt staff, to be featured on this list. Those featured are the defining examples of next generation activists and political leadership.
They are displayed in no specific order as we feel everyone listed is playing a unique part in making Texas a greater place.
Today is part 2.
Kaitlyn Schober
Kaitlyn Schober is currently based out of Austin, Texas. She applies the leadership skills acquired from running her fitness franchise company and helping with political campaigns to promote overall wellness which includes physical, mental and spiritual health.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
I always have been somewhat engaged in politics, I am a history nerd and I love studying the American revolution. However, what really woke me up was the government overreach during the Covid lockdowns of 2020.
When I was 19 years old, I bought a franchise for an outdoor fitness bootcamp. I had to grow my business from the ground up and invested most of my time and money into my company. I am passionate about health and enjoyed training my clients while being engaged in the Austin fitness community. Then 2020 hit. The Covid lockdowns and mandates of 2020 had very negative repercussions as I had to shift my business model completely. My business suffered, and I felt my clients were not getting an adequate service.
As I watched government overreach on the local, state, and federal level my eyes really became opened. My location was based out of Travis County and there was one point where I still had to stay shut down but my fellow franchisees in Williamson County (literally 5 miles away!) were able to open and operate because of the county they lived in. That was when I knew I had to do get involved.
On top of my business being shut down because apparently, I was not deemed “essential,” my church closed its doors. I watched as our country’s constitutional rights were being violated and it felt like no one was speaking out. The pandemic showed me that our freedom is on the line and the government is going to control whatever they can. With a spirit of urgency, I know that we need strong people to rise and hold the line. The time is NOW.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
There are a lot of issues that I am passionate about, but I think the one that takes the cake right now is Border Security. It is an absolute shame and embarrassment watching what is going on with our border. The military stationed down there cannot fire back when being fire upon, and the number of illegal crossings has climbed to an absurd level.
Dallas and Houston are the top two cities in country for human and sex trafficking. Fentanyl overdoses has become the #1 cause of death among adults, ages 18-45. More adults have died because of this drug than from COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer, and suicide. Most Fentanyl comes illegally from the United States border with Mexico. It is time to secure the border an put a stop to this madness.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
I am very optimistic about the future of Texas. I believe with the right leaders in place, Texas can be a strong beacon hope representing strength and freedom.
However, I do believe that we are at a tipping point. The 2022 elections will really show what type of future Texas will have. I believe that if we can elect LTC Allen West as Governor and engage our party in elections at every level by filling our school boards and city councils with strong leaders we will be able to succeed. This may be my Texas pride talking, but right now it feels like Florida is leading the way for freedom in our nation. Don’t get me wrong, I love Florida… But it is time for Texas to step up and lead the charge!
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
I believe the Republican Party is very good at honoring those who serve in the military and our veterans. There is a reputation of loving God and Country, and we carry the patriotic spirit. I also am very proud of HB 1500 (Heartbeat Bill) and HB1927 (Constitutional Carry Bill) that was passed here in Texas.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
We have failed to engage in local level elections. Our school boards, city councils, and county chairs have been filled with individuals who want to promote anti-American values and promote lawlessness. If you look at the issues with parental rights in Round Rock ISD and the pornographic material found in Leander ISD it is obvious the agendas that are being pushed. The Left is very good at getting a minority group of people to make a big influence in culture.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
I grew up with a strong Constitutional Conservative Dad who greatly influenced my world view. I remember taking long road trips from Texas to Michigan and having to listen to hours of Rush Limbaugh and being quizzed on School House Rock from a young age.
Over the past 5 years I have read a lot of leadership, business, and personal development books by people like John Maxwell, Simon Sinek, and Jocko Willink. Each of their writing promotes taking a responsible mindset and getting rid of victim mentality. A lot of the core concepts and fundamental truths that I have discovered through these books corresponded with my political worldview as well.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb?
I am inspired by the boldness of Madison Cawthorn at a young age, and I enjoy listening to Candace Owens. One of the latest books I have read was Will Whitt from PragerU’s newest book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies’ and it was extremely informative and helpful!
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
Absolutely. As I have gotten older, and I have had to deal with more “real world” problems I think the right carries a lot of common sense. You can see this by understanding basic economics.
When you understand that nothing is free, you cannot just keep printing more money, and if you keep raising the minimum wage inflation is going to continue. The basic principles make it is easy to agree with the right-wing policies. Just look at the unemployment rates and supply shortages that increase when left wing policy is implemented.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
I am supporting Lieutenant Colonel Allen West for Governor. I have had the honor of spending some time getting to know him and I have attended different events with him. His character of integrity, excellence, honor, and humility truly makes him different than the rest. He is a fighter who is not afraid to stand up for what is right. He loves America, and he loves Texas. But most importantly, he knows that the sole purpose of the government is to protect the God given inalienable rights of the people. As I have watched the climate of our world change over the past few years, it is undoubtedly clear that our state is in dire need a strong leader. I know LTC Allen West is the man for the job, and that is why he has my support. < /p>
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
Throughout the lockdown I found myself doing a lot of different things. My fitness company had to pivot from an outdoor group fitness workout to a virtual training. So, I spent a lot of time learning how to add value to my clients in a virtual world.
I also began studying for my Nutrition Coach Certification and completed a Leadership Development Program. I surprised myself when as an old hobby resurfaced, and I would find myself sitting at the piano meddling with the keys quite often.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I think what is happening with corporations regarding vaccination status is quite alarming. The biggest issue I have with the vaccine requirements is that it is an infringement of my personal privacy. Deciding to get a vaccine is a very personal medical decision. I want to discuss with my doctor and my family, gather information, and then make my own informed personal medical decision. Let me tell you, the last person I want to discuss my personal private medical records with is my employer.
The vaccine still is very new, and it is understandable if some people might be hesitant to getting it. I would love to see some more research of the long-term effects. It is awfully suspicious watching as people continue to be censored on social media and on the mainstream news when they say anything that remotely opposes the vaccine.
Plus, if the vaccine is truly effective, then you really shouldn’t be afraid of the unvaccinated… right? On top of that, the vaccinated can still contract and spread Covid. The vaccine requirements just do not make sense to me. Plus, it is proven 97% of adults will recover from Covid. I believe in medical freedom, and I believe each person should be able to make their own decision for their own body and their job should not be on the line.
Also, I am coming from a background in the health and fitness industry. I do not understand why I haven’t seen the CDC or WHO talk about the risks of COVID or the vaccine to people with preexisting conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart complications. If the government really cared about health, I think they would be endorsing living an active lifestyle with an emphasis of cardiovascular training to strengthen the body if it becomes compromised by the virus. I see major red flags when places like Krispy Kream are giving out free doughnuts to anyone who is vaccinated. It is obvious that this is not about health, it’s all about control.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I spent the past 9 or so months writing a book of my own! It is called Keep Your Squats Low, and Your Standards High.
There are three sections in my book, each building of the other. In Section 1 you learn how to build a strong identity. You can have the confidence to live authentically with a secure identity that is not based on your circumstances.
Section 2 dives into cultivating a healthy mindset. I go over the importance of habit stacking to reach your goals, and the power of having a responsible mindset. You will see different thought processes you can adopt, and the poisonous effects that small things such as complaining can have on your life.
The final section is all about how to create a lasting impact. In a world with staggering suicide, depression, and anxiety rates it is time for the people with confidence and joy to go and impact someone’s life. You will be equipped to be leader and a light in a dark world.
The heartbeat behind this book is that you find yourself encouraged and confident in your identity, and motivated to put in the work that it takes to achieve greatness, as well as adopting higher standards and to live without compromise.
You can find my book on Amazon here!
What are your future plans in politics?
I would love to be a spokesperson or public speaker for politics and personal development. I also enjoy working on campaigns and being very involved at a grassroots level. Someday I could maybe see myself running for office, I’m not opposed to the idea!
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I enjoy working out, spending time with family and friends, and when I need to relax, I love watching baking shows on Netflix. But my newest hobby is writing! I have a few new book ideas on my mind that I will start writing in 2022!
How can Texans help you?
I would love to grow my Instagram and Facebook pages to bring more awareness to the content I am creating! Also buying and reading my book and then sending feedback and reviews is greatly appreciated!
Where can people go to follow you online?
AMAZON: Keep Your Squats Low and Your Standards High
Dylan Glass is a native Houstonian who graduated Cum Laude from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Government: Politics & Policy.
Glass has experience in managing and coordinating numerous Republican political campaigns, working for attorneys, with media consultants, and heading public relations for local public figures and small businesses.
A community leader that believes in giving back, Glass supports and volunteers for various non-profits such as the Glass House Foundation, an organization that mentors men who need assistance returning to the workforce often following rehabilitation, and Taylor’s House of Hope, an organization that provides support to expecting mothers and young children in need.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
The 2008 Presidential Election. It was not lit or woke (those words did not exist yet) to support McCain over Obama in the fifth grade or to point out that our textbooks referred to Global Warming (now climate change) as a theory. I got punched and scratched a lot by the other kids. It is my hope that high fuel prices and student debt opened their eyes to the fact that we need less government, regulations, and red tape – not more. I closely followed the rise of the Tea Party in 2010, and began getting actively involved in 2014. When I first got my drivers license, I was driving to political meetings. I quickly got used to being the youngest person in the room.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
I am passionate about many issues. The protection of life and the ability to dictate decisions regarding your own individual body is commonly my go-to litmus test as to whether or not I will be able to back a person and adopt their causes as my own.
Enforcing our Texas Constitution is a must. Ending taxpayer-funded lobbying is a must. Ensuring that we have honest, transparent, and fair elections is a must. Electing people to Austin and Washington D.C. that are responsible to the people they were elected to represent and serve, not their special interests is a must.
We have to truly secure our borders before reforming the immigration crisis, begin a serious discussion regarding the elimination of property taxes, repair our electric grid, protect our groundwater, increase educational opportunity through school choice so that we can provide students, parents, and teachers alike with more competitive options.
We need to fully fund and back our law enforcement and first responders while at the same time having systems in place that guarantee and ensure safety.
We must wake up and stay awake.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
I am concerned about the increasing threat of a growing government that is so deeply out of touch with average everyday Americans simply just looking to make ends meet. I, however, choose to remain optimistic because we have a new generation of incoming leaders who truly care and are unapologetically unafraid to stand up and confront the issues, policies, and lawmakers that will leave a long-lasting impact over our today and tomorrow. I feel far too many in Austin are on self-serving power trips, failing to place their emphasis on serving the constituents of the districts they were elected to represent. It is community leaders and grassroots organizers who deeply follow the news following the election cycle and swearing-in ceremonies demanding action and accountability that provide me with hope for our future.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Our Republican principles simply work better for everyone. Conservative policies work best to lift people up, to grow our economy, to increase educational opportunity, to take people out of poverty, to keep our communities safe, and to unlock people’s God-given potential so that they can live their life to the fullest on their own merits. We believe that you should be able to live the life you choose and make your own decisions with little-to-no interference from the federal or state government.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
We must grow our Party. If you agree with 80% of our platform or more, you are likely a Republican. I want as many Independent and Democratic voters joining us come November to cast their ballots for our nominees. In order to produce and deliver results, we have to win at the ballot box. We cannot do that if we shut out anyone from the process. One of the things the Democratic Party gets right is that they have organizations that recruit candidates and they offer citizen candidates with instructional support and guidance through the electoral process. Our GOP response to that is to find a woman or a diverse person to run against one of theirs. What we should be doing is providing our candidates with the resources and tools needed to deliver their messages to voters. If we give outside candidates a true and fair shot, what we will find is that we will have more Republican nominees who are not just diverse because they face a diverse Democrat, but that they won because they were truly the best candidate on our side for the position.
We also need to focus our attacks on Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) failed socialist promises, whacky ideas, and unprofessionalism in office. Let us not make the mistake of attacking her for having worked in the blue-collar sector. It provided her with the perfect opportunity and brilliant response of there “being nothing wrong with having been a bartender or a bus driver.” Those are workers who are negatively impacted the most by the expensive policy positions she espouses and tax increases that she supports.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
I was only three years and eight months old when 9/11 happened, but I still remember watching the living room television set after my mom got a call on the telephone and her saying over and over again “We are under attack!” I was young but I still to this day remember trying to grasp the concept of not only death but hating someone, a nation so much, that you would be willing to die and kill thousands of others in the name of your religion.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
You know it was Sarah Palin who once said if you put your faith in any candidate or politician, you will come out disappointed. I agree with that sentiment.
The only person you agree with 100% of the time is yourself and even then you will find that sometimes you make mistakes or evolve on an issue or a stance you take with more knowledge and experience.
I did enjoy meeting Candace Owen’s at a youth summit where I filmed a video for her and the host backstage. She was down-to-earth, not a diva, and quite humorous. It was a special moment that I will remember.
Do you thi
nk it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
Who we are and who we become is shaped by our upbringing, our educational background, our environment, and our circumstances. I think there is general truth to the older you get the more balanced, responsible, and conservative you become. When I get older, I will let you know.
I read an article last year about a young woman who lives in California and who has Republican parents. Her friends cannot get over it with responses like “…but your parents are so nice.” She then goes on to state that they view Republicans where she lives as evil.
I find it baffling and mind-boggling that mainstream populations are taught to believe that conservatives lack empathy towards others. I cannot speak for others, only myself, but I have deep compassion for everyone, even those who do not agree with me. I work to find common ground with everyone I come into contact with and often find that while we do not agree on everything, we want the problem solved and determine a reasonable solution. I do what I can to leave a positive difference on the lives of others around me. You may not agree with me but you will value my approach to problem-solving.
The left needs to work on becoming more understanding and accepting of other viewpoints that do not align with theirs.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
I am voting for Chad Prather to send a message that I think it is time we shake the entire political system. I have learned throughout the years that this does not come without risk and occasionally what you are hoping for results in fault. Sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side. Abbott should be credited with his judicial appointees and he does have the war-chest to spend.
I appreciate the fact that the other candidates in the race are putting the fire under Governor Abbott’s feet. I understand the political situation he is in to be a difficult one, but I would find it more authentic if he would be more straightforward in his beliefs and actions. He needs to stop hiding like he did in 2014 and debate his primary opponents.
We have to defeat Beto and I will support our Republican nominee for governor.
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I cut my hair and beard, I stayed sober, and jogged every day past trash cans full of wine and beer bottles. I wanted to utilize the time to make healthy decisions to improve my physical and mental health in a world that was becoming increasingly unknown and chaotic.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I disagree with mandates. This is not the plague. Again, people should be able to make their own decisions without force. With that said, COVID-19 is a serious disease and one that should not be taken lightly. I have lost friends across the country from Covid. I decided to take my chances with the German produced Pfizer vaccines over the Wuhan wet-market lab disease, but I respect those who have decided to take other precautions or those who gained existing immunity or have exemptions. People should not have their voices silenced. Talk to your doctor, not me.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I just finished American Crime Story: Impeachment on cable and Maid on Netflix. Don’t turn me into a Transgender Avenger, but I am really enjoying the Lifetime Movie Club for $3.99 a month. A Day Late and A Dollar Short was a movie that reminded me of Click. Life is too short to go without living and to fight instead of love.
What are your future plans in politics?
I will always be politically active until the day I die. Once you pull back the curtain and see how the system works, the corruption that lurks, and the silence that follows, I find it impossible to turn back knowing everything that I know now. There are days I wish I could go back and take that famous blue pill (from the Matrix, not Viagra) but then I would not be based, now would I? I recently got back from Little Rock where I enjoyed touring the Arkansas State Capitol. I appreciated viewing their list of legislators and having zero insight as to who any of them are or who they are FMAing.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
You can find me on the road, in the woods, or on the beach in my spare time. If you do not know who you are without having someone or something with you at all times, then you do know yourself. Not knowing yourself is a lonely and dangerous place to be. I do not recommend it.
How can Texans help you?
I am running for Precinct Chair 880 against an inactive incumbent who wants to retire two years from now and find a replacement.
If you live in Spring, vote for Valerie McGilvery for House District 150. She is the Right Valerie unlike foul Val.
If you live in Fort Bend, vote for Corrina Ruiz for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, and Eric Ramirez for County Commissioner.
If you live in Polk County, San Jacinto County, or Trinity County, vote for William Lee Hon for District Judge. His incumbent opponent supports mask mandates, mandatory vaccines for visitation, lets repeat rapists out on low risk probation, and his son is on trial for murder in Houston.
If you live in Spring Branch, vote for Christine Kalmbach for House District 138. Christine has morals and values unlike Lacey Gapin’ Hull. Trust me and Ashley Burke when we say we saw way too much.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Noah Betz is a Campus Director for True Texas Project, he is also working for the Don Huffines Campaign. Noah enjoys trolling on the internet and making RINOs upset.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
It took Greg Abbot’s dystopian shutdowns and mandates in 2020 to show me how important state politics is. I decided to attend my first True Texas Project meeting that year and heard from Jonathan Stickland, Don Huffines, and Matt Rinaldi.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Abolishing abortion in Texas. The Abbott TEA approved pornographic books in school libraries is a close second.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Besides a select few, the Republican Party of Texas does not condone the sexualization of children.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
In pursuit of a “big tent” we enable instead of ostracize Republican crazies in an attempt to prove our tolerance to people who do not share our values.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
I have a biblical worldview, the Bible informs my view of everything from economics to gender.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb?
I am a big fan of John Doyle.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
I saw that Rick Perry just entered the race, I’ve heard a lot about him in Transgender Avengers, we’ll see…
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I spent my time going into local stores without a mask (in defiance of Greg Abbott’s unconstitutional mandate) and triggered the libs. Fun times!
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I am proud to say that I am a pureblood with intact human DNA. Screw any corporation or business that wants to force people to take that evil clot-shot. Shame on Greg Abbott for not protecting the medical freedom of Texans.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming
I look forward to The Texan Weekly Roundup podcast every Friday. I do not go a day without reading Texas Scorecard, The Texan, or Current Revolt.
What are your future plans in politics?
Working for the Don Huffines Administration in the Governor’s Mansion.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
In my free time, I love trying new restaurants or eating good food in general. Some of my hobbies include hiking, skiing, being outdoors, and hunting birds, deer, and of course RINOs. I also own 20 chickens.
How can Texans help you?
Vote for Don Huffines!
Also, follow me on Instagram and friend me on Facebook.
I do not have a Twitter, but @FireAbbott is a great follow.
Chad Shoemake is from Victoria, Texas. At 23 years old he’s the current Political Director of the Republican Party of Texas. Chad began working in politics at 17 years old and has not only worked for several politicians but has also run several political campaigns across the state. Chad has recently come under fire from leftists and libertarians for calling for the removal of a pagan statue and replacing it with a cross. He more than lives up to his name.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
Attending Patriot Academy, a very based youth mock legislature for Christian-Conservatives wanting to get involved in the political world. The first bill I brought and passed was Constitutional Carry, where I happened to meet the first House Rep that filed the bill, Jonathan Stickland. He then hired me onto his campaign, then the legislature, and I’ve been working for the conservative movement in Texas ever since.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Removing the pagan that’s on top of the Texas Capitol and replacing it with a Crucifix is definitely up there, but banning gender modification is one that has really opened my eyes, and it needs to be a priority for our Legislature.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
As long as there are Texans willing to take a stand to not just defend but advance Christian-Conservatism in our State, I’ll always be optimistic.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
I think the Republican Party of Texas under its current administration is getting a ton of things right. First off, they hired an absolute Chad to be their Political Director. The Republican Party of Texas has always had the greatest platform in the nation, and specifically, we have a great list of legislative priorities that many have worked so hard to advance, but we still have a long way to go.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
There are a bunch of people that would fit into this category for me. I’m very blessed to be a part of a great network of people that have helped me get to where I am today and I think it all starts from the beginning from when I first really got involved with Texas politics and was hired by Jonathan Stickland. I would probably be a loser neo-con arguing with someone on social media instead of actually working to make a difference in our state.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
Favorite right-wing e-celeb is Don’t really have a least favorite because I haven’t put much thought into it. Just for the record Bill Kristol and David French are mod-con wannabe losers.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I definitely agree, and I also think it depends on what kind of temperament/personality you have. If you’re willing to take shots from the left and sometimes the right based on your beliefs, being a right-wing Chad is always easy
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
Covid hit during an election period where I was lucky enough to live in rural Texas (real Texas) so nothing really changed. I was able to live as if nothing happened and have continued to do so.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
Against. No business or organization should be able to discriminate against someone due to their vaccination status.
My current vaxx status: unvaxxed
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn. Don’t really listen to podcasts or influencers.
What are your future plans in politics?
Who knows. I’ve always described my time in the conservative movement as someone who will work in whatever way needed to advance my values.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I spend almost all of my free time with my friends and family. I’m blessed to be supported by some of the greatest people ever. I enjoy smoking a good cigar, trying a new beer or whiskey, and just all around quality time with them.
How can Texans help you?
Get involved with your local GOP. Become a precinct chair, and have an input on our Republican Party of Texas. Texas isn’t going to change on its own. Our legislature, clearly, is not going to advance our values without a really big push from us.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Chris Horrigan has a masters degree in computer science. He has helped launched Bryan College Station Young Republicans and is highly active in the political scene in Texas. Chris has several political projects in place to help ensure a positive future for Texas.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
The Great Reset. It’s going to keep getting worse, folks. It really ties many of the other major issues together: demographic replacement, “virus” tyranny, soy, inflation, climate austerity, censorship, etc. Everyone’s going to end up wishing they had done more to stop this once they find out how insane things can get.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
On its current trajectory, I see Texas going the way of the rest of America (not good). If we change the trajectory, and I think maybe we can, there might be some cause for optimism.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
The Republican party seems to do a good job fighting the abortion fight. I admit I thought the Texas Heartbeat Bill was going to be purely symbolic, but so far it has been effective.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
The party establishment is hopelessly deferential to the left on social issues. These people are terrified of running afoul of the liberal intelligentsia they consider themselves part of. The general conservative/Republican voter is way more conservative than party leadership, but they let the party leadership set the tone for what’s allowed, which means we’re totally trapped in the left’s moral framework. Social issues are only addressed from the position of proving that we’re actually the real social progressives and it’s the DEMOCRATS who are the evil backwards white homophobic racists. And then also of course there’s the lame Reagan nostalgia, Size Of Government gibberish, blind free market-ism, “as long as it’s done legally” etc. etc.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
BAP’s Bronze Age Mindset
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
John Doyle is my favorite. In terms of least favorite, I can think of many I don’t like but I guess Benny Johnson comes to mind as particularly vile.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
If anything I think it’s the opposite. It seems like some people “get theirs” and then they become uncontroversial moderates who don’t rock the boat. Young right wingers should not aspire to this – some do, but I think increasingly many do not.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
Rucking for exercise, a lot of reading, tried yoga (waste of time).
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
Businesses should absolutely not be allowed to discriminate against purebloods. As for me, I’m never taking the deadly vaccine.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I’m not a podcast listener generally but “You Are Here” by Elijah Schaffer and Sydney Watson has been having some great guests lately so I’ve watched a bit of that.
What are your future plans in politics?
I am currently focused on building an ELITE inner circle, from which political outcomes and activism will easily and inevitably follow. Being part of a good crew is a means to many ends but for me it’s also an end in itself.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
Hockey, kickboxing, sports car, camping
How can Texans help you?
I have already received so much help from Texans in my first non-lockdown year here in Texas, and I am incredibly grateful for it. Now I hope to return the favor by doing my part to advance our cause.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Instagram @chrishorrigan, Twitter @ChrisHorriganTX
Part 3 tomorrow.