Democrat Senator Drops Out Because Diversity
Powell basically said that because rural whites are now included in her district, it’s somehow no longer diverse and she cannot win.
The GOP already retook one Senate seat. State Sen. Beverly Powell (Democrat - Burleson) officially ended her reelection bid for State Senator, acknowledging her district is redder than ever due to a supposed “lack of diversity.” It is inevitable moderate state Rep. Phil King (Reptilian - Weatherford) will win her seat.
Per NBC:
“District 10, which previously existed entirely inside Tarrant County (in red below), was redrawn last year into a sprawling district that includes a smaller portion of Tarrant County while expanding to the west and south through seven rural counties that include parts of Parker County, and all of Johnson, Palo Pinto, Stephens, Shackelford, Callahan, and Brown counties (in purple below).”
“Powell, who said she was elected by a coalition of diverse voters in Tarrant County, told NBC 5 in October 2021 that the district became less diverse with the addition of the rural counties.
‘Under the new map that will remain intact through November, the results of the 2022 election are predetermined. Election prospects for any candidate who relies on a diverse voter coalition will be thwarted," Powell said. "So ... I have decided to withdraw my name from the ballot for the State Senate District 10 race.
I cannot in good faith ask my dedicated supporters to spend time and contribute precious resources on an unwinnable race," Powell said. "That time and those resources are better spent on efforts that will advance our causes and on the continuing efforts to restore voter rights.’"
For anyone skimming, she basically said that because rural whites are now included in her district, it’s somehow no longer diverse and she cannot win.
While she does not want losing an election on her resume, there are deeper issues at hand. Despite having a new demographic group in her district (rural working-class whites), the district is apparently not diverse even with significant minority groups like Hispanics present.
In a Democrat’s view “diversity” does not include rural America. Instead of trying to reach them, they understand their policies have completely alienated them, choosing to ignore them and keep going Left rather than become moderate. Instead of expanding their appeal, they would rather stack the deck with demographics favorable to them, so they can go as left as they want without fear of losing their seat.
Democrats have made it clear they are not the center-Left party they once were, but plan on being as woke as possible, even if rural voters are the most screwed by Leftist policies, whether it be the “Green New Deal,” mass immigration, or pervert grooming in local schools. They would rather go broke than non-woke.
Due to living in reality and not following pop culture, rural people can generally see through the Left’s lies aren’t voting blue any time soon. At the rate Texas is going, we do not expect that to change; besides, people with functioning common sense faculties tend to avoid policies taking either psychopathy or brain damage to support.
Perhaps she doesn't know the definition of the word diversity.