Democrat State Representative James Talarico appeared on CNN to attack recently approved changes to the public school curriculum for schools in Texas. The changes will incorporate the Bible into the material, which Talarico says is “deeply un-Christian.”
Even with few details readily available about the new program, which is lovingly called Bluebonnet Learning, Democrats are apoplectic.
Framed by the CNN anchor as a new curriculum that “teaches religious history,” Democrats are having to take the awkward position of being against the Bible.
One of the few Texas Democrats who can speak coherently is James Talarico, a white kid first elected 6 years ago at 28 years old, and who has found a home in the anti-white Democrat Party as an anti-Christian Christian activist.
CNN: You're studying to be a Christian pastor. Why do you believe this curriculum, though, is preaching, not teaching?
Talarico: …I’m a current seminary student studying to become a Presbyterian minister. And so I know personally that there is a difference between preaching and teaching. Under federal law, schools can teach the Bible as an academic text, but not in a devotional way. In other words, public schools are not Sunday schools. Or as Greg Abbott is fond of saying, schools are for education, not indoctrination.
Did y’all catch that?
Ironically, we can thank Greg Abbott and an incoming Democrat State Rep for these changes. Aicha Davis stepped down from her seat on the State Board of Education to run for State Representative. The vacancy allowed Abbott to appoint a bitter-clinger Republican to fill the remaining 3 months of the term! The vote passed 8-7.
Talarico went on to say the following part of HB 1605, which lead to this curriculum change, proves this change was made with evil intent to break the law.
Talarico: The Texas Republicans who crafted this curriculum also think it's unconstitutional, because in the bill that created this curriculum, they explicitly grant immunity for Texas educators who violate the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution…
A teacher can’t get in trouble if they use the approved materials. Not exactly a bombshell.
Here’s a quickie on the First Amendment:
Drafted in 1789, and ratified in 1791, many of the original Sates had an official state Christian religion or church for many years after the Bill of Rights was ratified. There is no evidence that anyone who lived at that time believed that States were violating the Constitution, even with actual churches playing a central role in the State government.
The CNN lady goes on to show this quote from the Bible and asks Talarico if this is “appropriate” for children to hear.
Talarico implies that yes, it is inappropriate for kids to learn from Genesis, and says he understands this because of the religious teachings from his church, which I thought seemed like a weird play.
Talarico: You know, Christian Nationalists are so focused on pushing Christianity in school that they've forgotten the Christianity we learned in church.
Were the Founders of this country with their State churches, “Christian Nationalists?” Just asking.
Talarico: a Christian, I am called to love them as myself. And forcing my religion down their throats is not love.
First of all, we know what “love” means according to the Democrat Party. Forcing things down throats is a core plank of that platform. No thanks.
Also, is this really shoving religion down anyone’s throat?
It sounds like kids will be learning some very basic things, a light touch of getting children exposed to God’s word. They are not baptizing kids at lunch.
We have glossed over a number of conservative victories in Texas on this site. Part of me is unimpressed with a lot of this stuff, as most of it seems like it’s just a return to normalcy and sanity, but for Republicans to put the Democrats in a position where they are coming out in opposition to the Bible is something I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving.
If you look past the fact that nobody has been deported (voters #1 issue for decades), we’ve been seeing steady legislative progress in Texas towards the right over the last 4 years, and we have an incoming freshman class of Republicans that is very promising.
The scriptures are a national treasure, and you feel the power of God when you read the words. These curriculum changes, assuming they are as trivial as they appear to be, are one more step in inviting Jesus Christ back into our society, knowing that we cannot solve our country’s biggest problems without Him.
Forcing something down someone’s throat is what has been done to us and this country with immigration. Hopefully we can start to fix that in 55 days.
Remember when Talarico said in that "sermon" he wished that his mom, when she was pregnant with him, had had more access to abortion? LOL
One of my earlier comments elsewhere was on this very topic. History is derived by Biblical teaching with tremendous accuracy of timeline events. Our very existence in law and love hinge on its precepts! Leftist Communist infiltration was the very sabotage used to constrain education of these life facts; all we have seen is mass decay in justice, debauchery on full unbridled display and deep decay of homes, neighborhood and structure teetering on collapse. With MAGA back and stronger than ever it's game over for destroyers and game on for restorers!