Dallas County wants to boost voter turnout among those seeking to avoid the eyes and attention found inside many traditional voting locations.
Nothing to see here!
DALLAS COUNTY, Texas — The Dallas County Commissioners Court will consider approving the purchase of hundreds of curbside voting carts during its regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday.
These carts would be used at curbside or entrances of polling places for voters physically unable to enter the building without help or with a likelihood of injury, the item on the commissioners' court agenda says.
I thought that‘s what mail-in ballots are for?
Apparently, 550 carts will cost $1,260,000, which is nearly $2,300 per cart.
At some point you’d think cheating like this would become cost-prohibitive. In 2020, they spared no expense.
It’s amazing, Democrats seem to always know exactly who needs to vote at 3am.
Here’s a real photo of a cart harvest in-progress. Photos typically show carts everywhere.
Ballots in the streets, fraud on the sheets, I tell ya.
When Kamala Harris came to Texas in 2020, her typical crowd looked like this:
This new strategy actually makes sense when you add a recent headline to this 2020 photo.
Democrats are so popular, they need mobile voting collectors running around everywhere, finding voters under rocks!
No word yet on whether voting by handcart will prevent your ballot from being hacked.
BTW, neither the clerks or the election judge who allow these "disabled" people to vote in this fashion are PROHIBITED from asking what the disability is and the "disabled" are NOT REQUIRED to show proof of said disability. Just think that if I decided to park in a handicap parking spot, I can get ticketed for not having that disabled tag hanging in my vehicle.
You can lay this at the foot of Mr Smartmatic, Heider Garcia, who started the curbside voting bullshit here in Tarrant County. Man people are stupid as hell.. What I wonder is why Garcia wasn't arrested along with his other buds in the trade recently. BTW, Mr Garcia's right hand man while working in Tarrant County is still here working the elections administration with the new hire Clint. Just sayin'.