Crusty old Metsican Carol Alvarado, who also happens to be a State Senator from Houston, has filed a bill to allow illegal aliens to be police officers!
SB 1362 was filed on Texas Independence Day, seemingly in an effort to rub our noses in it.
Notwithstanding any other law, a political subdivision that commissions and employs peace officers may commission and employ as a peace officer an individual who is lawfully present in the United States as the result of receiving deferred action from the United States Department of Homeland Security and who has obtained employment authorization from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The practical application of this bill is obfuscated in the legal language, but these are illegal aliens they are talking about—the DACA babies.
The police have been demonized to such a degree that no normal person wants to do the job. So now we are starting to see la raza and other foreigners lobby for mercenaries to be hired as the jackboots of the police state. These foreigners won’t think twice about arresting people over Covid tyranny or even political speech.
Since we are told we live in a “democracy,” you’d think they would let us vote on what to do with all these illegal aliens. Apparently “democracy” just means unlimited gay stuff, and this is increasingly including children.
Illegals are just the next step. They’ve been openly courting non-citizens since 2015.
“Law enforcement agencies struggling to fill their ranks or connect with their increasingly diverse populations are turning to immigrants to fill the gap.
Most agencies in the country require officers or deputies to be U.S. citizens, but some are allowing immigrants who are legally in the country to wear the badge. From Hawaii to Vermont, agencies are allowing green-card holders and legal immigrants with work permits to join their ranks.”
Everything that is holy and good about our Constitution is rapidly being done away with by this Biden administration and seeping its way down to Austin where corruptness and everything liberal and to the left is being accepted as "law," and what is right and good and holy is being stomped upon by all the evilness and corruption called "our government!" With the millions of illegals overtaking our borders and infiltrating our other states, even being given the privilege to vote in many elections, I do not doubt that they will be policing our communities, as well as making the policing laws by which we legal Americans will have to follow. Our America is dying and we will not be able to recognize it if We, the People, do not take a stand against all that is being thrown at and against us! I only hope that, by the grace of God, we will be able to withstand and survive this current administration for the next 2 years! God help us!