Why Do Democrats Look Like This: Robert O’Rourke
It’s a well documented fact Republicans are more attractive than Democrats. But in the last few years dems have taken this to extremes.
While most dems are just ugly, some others, in an effort to ensure their outward appearance reflects the ugliness inside, have begun using modern “science” to make sure that they are as repulsive as their agenda.
Is Texas gubernatorial candidate, Robert O’Rourke getting in on the trend?
In a recent fundraising ad, O’Rourke suspiciously looked more repulsive than usual…
CR’s trans-vestigation team reached out the O’Rouke campaign to confirm whether or not he is transitioning, but they have yet to respond. So we fired up our state-of-the-art trans-projection AI and we have generated Beto O’Rourke’s final transition below. Hard to say 100%, but we think it’s an improvement.
Republicans on the other hand…we got dudes just absolutely dripping with swag like Justin Holland.