🚨Dems Planning to Steal Midterms with Crackhead Ballot Harvesters🚨
Exclusive evidence shows Deep State Boomers planning to stand down.
Police body camera footage was recently released allegedly showing a homeless black man describing how he was paid thousands of dollars to help illegally harvest ballots on behalf of Democrat candidate for Tarrant County Judge, Deborah Peoples, while she was head of the Tarrant County Democratic Party.
Of course, the video is just a homeless crackhead rambling, and not actual evidence. But the guy seems pretty honest and cavalier about it.
Peoples, whose occupation is listed as being black and shilling diversity gobbledygook, is in a tight race against the ostensibly right-wing Republican candidate, Tim O’Hare, for Tarrant County Judge. The candidate who wins in November will replace the disgusting slob plandemic virus hoaxer Glen Whitley.
Of course, what the crackhead says in the video is in fact how they commit the fraud. Everybody has known this for a while. Project Veritas exposed a fat Mexican woman doing the same thing just after the stolen 2020 election. The tortilla monster says on camera “I could go to prison for what I just did.”
After the video came out, the media confusingly claimed the tape was “edited” in some unspecified way in an attempt to cover it all up.
So more proof in the court of public opinion has come to light with our crackhead whistleblower, and it’s pretty damning when you watch how the Dems have this well-oiled crackhead voter fraud machine.
So who is doing anything about it?
Tarrant County Sheriff and establishment shill Bill Waybourn, a Republican, said he refuses to look into voter fraud in Tarrant County because there is an election about to happen, and investigating voter fraud could hurt the Democrats’ chances in the election.
There is really only one man who ever does anything in Texas, and that’s our boy KP.
Paxton takes on every battle and then gets zero help from anyone else.
Paxton did more than anyone else to document and expose the fact that Joe Brandon did not win the 2020 election with the most votes in world history campaigning from his basement as a senile creep. We are supposed to believe that Brandon won the 2020 election by millions of votes only to see his approval ratings in the 20’s at the midterms.
If you do a news search for Ken Paxton you’ll notice there is a barrage of attacks coming at Paxton this week. That’s because pedophilia and screwing over America to enrich yourself is bipartisan.
Apparently the Star-Telegram can’t find anyone without a vaccine-related brain injury to write their attack pieces anymore. They wrote that an “ex-woker” was suing “foe a PRR.”
I can tell you Paxton’s office is licking their chops to go after this organized group of crackheads stealing elections for unpopular Democrats, but all he gets is pushback from local Republicans.
Emails provided to Current Revolt from inside the Attorney General’s office shows how the fat assistant of butchy Republican District Attorney Sharen Wilson made a bunch of excuses as to why they didn’t want to prosecute anybody for one of the many voter fraud reports in Tarrant County.
These people are just the worst.
Just today, this same Tarrant County DA’s office is calling for new trials for the “Texas Seven,” the death row inmates who escaped from prison and killed a police officer.
Violent crime is exploding and these people are pushing weird woke agendas? Who benefits from this? Or are these people just pissed that their scams aren’t working as well as they used to?
Wilson announced she would not be running for re-election just 1 week after voters rejected a bond to build her a shiny new office in Fort Worth!
The media creates all these hoax narratives about Paxton to try and ensure no Republicans will publicly stand with him. It’s a strategy that seems to work pretty well.
People need to get in contact with their county Republican Party ASAP and get trained to volunteer to help with the November election as a poll watcher or poll worker. Some of these positions are paid, and we can’t allow a bipartisan coalition of freaks to steal the election from Ken Paxton.
I am for Paxton all the way! As to Waybourn, he has been a total disappointment from the get-go and is certainly NOT a Constitutional sheriff . It is unfortunate that our County is controlled by RINOS and alleged "Christian right" who do nothing but consistently enable traitors within the Party and by extension help DemocRATS steal elections. Frankly I ams sick of them all betraying us constantly. I pray many MAGA patriots swarm the Party and wrest control from these do nothing destroyers.