Last we reported, Collin County’s District Clerk race was a lock for Republican Mike Gould. Alyssa Dequeant - blue haired, blue wave wannabe - dropped out of the race and now helps “refugees” get jobs according to her LinkedIn.
Collin County Democrats backdoored another contender into the race: David Brignac.
This candidate, who some described as having “resting gay face”, said in his Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey, his top policy concerns are, “Conflict Resolution, theory of development of law and society, restorative justice, immigration policy”.
In other words, Resting Gay Face is just as hellbent on bringing Collin County into line with BLM and open border fanatics as his aposematic colored predecessor.
When asked what his top three campaign messages were, he offered meaningless platitudes about character including a Helen Keller quote. While it’s unclear what the blind and deaf girl who somehow became a communist champion has to do with Collin County administrative policy, the source is unsurprising.
Mike Gould, on the other hand, said his top messages were that he would reopen the passport office, show up every day with his employees and get the county courts business running efficiently again, and restore the one million in revenue the office is supposed to provide to the county through effective public administration.
The shift from blue haired meme girl to a slightly better presenting but just as radical candidate shows the Collin County Democrats actively attempting to capture key administrative roles. We know they expect a blue wave soon. Make no mistake, they will keep trying.
DemocRATS really have to have criminality coded into their disgusting DNA. There is just no other explanation.