The transgender William Shakespeare once said “All the world’s a bedroom, and all the boys and girls merely unknowing transgenders.”
The LGBTQ agenda has burst out of the bedroom and is now explicitly coming for the children. Moving hours away from the nearest leftist shithole (Dallas) may buy you a year or two, but it won’t save you. The transgender story hour is coming to a town near you and you’re going to pay for it with tax dollars.
Recently, the Denton Public Library announced it would be hosting a Transgender StoryTime for children aged 2-8. The goal here obviously is to target children with LGBTQ propaganda while they’re still incredibly young, impressionable, and their brains are still developing. It’s well known that the left has been targeting children with this sort of thing for ages. Now, just to rub your nose in it, it’s being paid for with tax dollars.
They’ll say the need for grown men in drag bouncing your toddler on their lap is to cure racism, or something to that effect.
While researching the information on this event we discovered that DPL (Denton Public Library) has updated the name and description of the event. Here we see hard proof that “diversity and inclusion” is another way of saying “cross-dressing and sexualizing.”
We reached out to the DPL to ask the reason for the name change. DPL responded that they wanted to be more inclusive to all LGBTQ individuals and not just those who are transgender. We were also told that the books would be read by DPL staff. We asked if any drag queens or physical engagement or touching with the children would be involved and we were told they could no longer comment on that and we would have to reach out to the DPL manager.
A reminder of what previous transgender story hours looked like:

Denton Public Library has provided a list of the books they’ll be reading to young children. Let’s break them down:
Red: A Crayon’s Story
I’m a Girl!
What Riley Wore
It’s Okay to Be Different
The timing on this LGBTQ children event is rather interesting considering the Republican LGBTQ activism group, Log Cabin Republicans, also had their Fort Worth “inaugural meeting” this week.

Failed Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price was in attendance, along with Young Republicans (of course).
For those who don’t know, Log Cabin Republicans are a group whose common bond is the enjoyment of gay anal sex and promotion of LGBTQ issues, if you don’t believe us just read their own description on their website:
We’ve reached out to Kevin Whitt, founder of The Whitt Project for comments on this whole debacle. The Christian-values activist had this to say:
“I’m calling on LGBTQ activist group, Log Cabin Republicans, to join with me in not only disavowing this transgender reading event to young children but also join me in protesting the event on November 20th.” – Kevin Whitt, Founder of The Whitt Project
We’re asking our readers to reach out to the Denton Public Library to offer feedback. They can be reached below:
(940) 349-8752 – Main Number
(940) 349-8753 – Manager
(940) 349-8256 – Manager