Tonight, John Bolton and Asa Hutchinson can rest easy knowing someone will get lower margins than them come 2024. Forwarded to us by several readers, Pastor Ryan Binkley, who leads the Create Church megachurch, recently announced his announcement (sounds like a normal announcement but ok) to run for President in the 2024 GOP primary; in fact, Binkley claims God “put it on his heart” to run. He even started his own organization called The Way To Freedom to help.

While we HIGHLY doubt flippantly hiding behind God will help him (the only candidate never claiming “God told me to run,” Donald Trump, won in 2016.), he’s based in Dallas-Fort Worth and may hold sway as a result.
Despite being a pastor, there’s nothing on his website defining the social issues beloved by Christians. While, there’s plenty of talk about restoring “America’s heritage” (which he never defines) and restoring values (lots of discussing “love,” “core values,” and especially “muh unity” ad nauseam), there’s strangely nothing about issues Christian voters care about such as abortion, child gender mutilation, and drag queen pederasts accessing children.
How far is he willing to go with “unity?” Is he willing to unify with Neo-Marxists and LGBTQP advocates, who’ll hate him simply for being a pastor? Pardon us if we come across harsh, but according to scripture (James 3:1), pastors are held to a higher standard by God.
After digging and drinking enough Monster to kill a whale, we found some problems with Pastor Binkley.
No explanation needed on this one. Before you make the “he was only following government orders” argument, he still could’ve fought against mask mandates (and superflu decrees generally). If Pastor John MacArthur in CALIFORNIA of all places can challenge lockdown guidelines and win, than Binkley and other compliant pastors are without excuse.
BLM Sympathies
If face diaper praise wasn’t enough, he expressed sympathies with BLM on Pentecost Sunday of 2020. That day, Pastor Binkley embraced his inner Matt Chandler and expressed sympathies with BLM during the Sunday sermon. He seemingly started bemoaning the death of Minneapolis crackhead George Floyd, which resulted in the wrongful murder conviction of Derek Chauvin, and a wave of riots that engulfed America.
He'd go on to discuss the need to empathize with the “hurting” Black community, never mind racism had nothing to do with the event kickstarting the 2020 “Summer of Love.”
After putting the words of Martin Luther King Jr. on par with scripture, the sermon went on for about forty more minutes. To his credit however, he did condemn riots and attacks on police (which are 90% of BLM’s actions), and he portrayed himself as a bridge-builder between both sides.
The trouble is, when you attempt to claim rapport with those screaming “Death to America” and “Burn This Motherf**ker Down!”, and those who simply want orderly streets and their children not to hate themselves for their skin, you’ll eventually need to pick one side or the other. As a wise man once said, “The only thing in the middle of the road is roadkill.”
Towards the end, he proceeds to universally apologize on behalf of all white racists ever, particularly to Black people, though he includes “every other race” (excluding whites of course.) He seems to imply the reason he hasn’t experienced racism is because he’s White (the belief Whites don’t experience prejudice is a core pillar of CRT.)
The belief Whites never experience skin hate is easily debunked by crime statistics. If we need past examples, the old Sheldon Francis case (just after the Ahmaud Arbery case, but barely received coverage), and the brutal rape, torture and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are some memorable ones. In fact, it appears black-on-white hate crimes are increasing post-BLM.
In dealing with these issues, policymakers must consider logic, data, and American order and well-being alone; they cannot get caught up with emotion and the latest globalist trend burning through the nation. Disastrously, we live in an effeminate and touchy-feely era prioritizing EQ over IQ, that edges America further into collapse.
Yes, we understand emotions and past experiences affect our worldview, but letting them encompass it is dangerous; you don’t want to be a Trojan horse for Critical Race Conspiracy Theory, unwittingly or otherwise.
In general, catering to emotionalism when dealing with tense matters is ridiculous. Besides, while many babble about “America’s permanent stain,” we neglect to introspect our own lives.
Amnesty support is obvious on his Twitter account.
Though Binkley did tweet some hat tips to Border Patrol, he once again tries to take the “middle way” as a compromiser. In the below tweets, he supports a compromise between illegal alien dignity and upholding immigration law (never mind they’re mutually exclusive). As with literally every other influencer spouting such rubbish, the end goal is obvious: a “pathway to citizenship.”

While snippets of border patrol praise and acknowledgment of national security is nice, amnesty would make it so Border Patrol put their lives on the line for nothing.
Keep in mind, these are the same invaders Binkley wants to “dignify.”

About the “holding us back and hurting our economy trope,” we highly doubt amnesty will fix these issues. When we followed Brinkley’s approach in 1986, California flipped blue (fun fact: Los Angeles was once a swing county until post-1986 amnesty), and the state started devolving into the wretched hive of scum and degeneracy it is today. If that’s your idea of moving America forward, I question your patriotism.
Never voted in a primary.
We pulled Binkley’s voting history and confirmed he has never voted in a primary election.
Talk about ludicrous. Ideology aside, it’s clear this guy doesn’t have a clue what he’s stepping into. All in all, Binkley is delusional if he assumes he can actually win.
American Evangelicalism is undergoing Leftist infiltration, with many (such as Beth Moore) veering into Neo-Marxism, and many advocating the soft “conservatism” that dominated the pre-Trump Right. If even Russell Moore, former kingpin of the Southern Baptists, can fall so far he’ll appear with child drag queen advocate David French, who’s safe?
With Binkley’s insistence on being “middle of the road,” he isn’t helping this trend.

We desperately need theologically literate men to guide American Christendom, but the current crop of “white-gloved” clergy can’t lead the charge. What America needs is some Muscular Christianity, which thrived prior to Leftist infiltration of seminaries once considered solid. If the “Christian Nationalism” subversives screech about was implemented, Texas (and the nation at large) could truly be a “lone star illuminating the forty-nine,” and (if we don’t need to secede), bring America from the brink.
I don't know what this "Pastor" did with the money he was given for acting lessons, but his contrite performance on that stage is woefully pathetic. His virtue-signaling is about as convincing as a Black Thugs Matter street-hustler selling tickets to a Trump rally.
Looks to be a Democrat in every possible way. I wonder how many realize that getting elected in Texas if you are a DemocRAT is nearly impossible(except for the Mexican annexed counties of South Texas) so they simply run as Republicans which is why we have so many RINOS(Republicans In Name Only) in the Grand Ole Party???