Dallas Morning News Calls for Betrayal of Texas Workers
The Dallas Morning News (DMN) recently published an article by Mitchell Schnurman calling for more immigration to compensate for a “labor shortage” in Texas:
The U.S. had over 9.2 million job openings in May, the highest monthly number on record, and many employers complain about the difficulty of finding candidates.
So why aren’t we boosting immigration to ease the labor shortage?
Foreign-born workers have been crucial to Texas’ rapid growth for decades, keeping the great jobs machine cranking. In May, they accounted for nearly 23% of Texas’ nonfarm workers, almost 6 percentage points higher than the share nationwide.
Curiously, the DMN makes no mention of the multitude of incentives and handouts encouraging workers to not work: stimulus checks; extra unemployment insurance; tax breaks on the extra unemployment payments; forgivable Payment Protection Plan loans; advanced extra child tax credit; mortgage payment deferrals; eviction deferrals; student loan deferments; and many more. There are so many that we at Current Revolt can’t even keep up with the deluge of government handouts.
As Reason points out:
The media call it a “labor shortage.”
But it’s not a labor shortage; it’s an incentive shortage.
“No one wants to work,” says a sign on a restaurant drive-thru speaker in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “Please be patient with the staff that did show up.”
I never wanted to work. I got a job because I had to support myself. That was good for me. It forced me out of my comfort zone. It made me a better person.
Had government offered me almost equal money not to work, I never would have applied.
Today, government takes away that incentive.
The American Rescue Plan, passed in March, increased unemployment payments by hundreds of dollars and extended them for up to 73 weeks. Given the cost of commuting, etc., many people find they are better off financially not working.
So the government makes the money printers go burrrr and hands out money for people to not work. And suddenly there is a worker “shortage.” Imagine that!
But DMN does not mention these perverse incentives because the real agenda is to replace American voters and import more Democrat voters. Then they tell us how these Democrat voters take many of the STEM jobs:
But 14.4% of foreign-born residents in North Texas have a graduate degree, a higher share than in the native population, the group said. More of them have degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, the so-called STEM fields.
In Texas, 59% of medical scientists were foreign-born, according to 2014-16 data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Among software-makers, the share was 45%. And a third of engineers and physicians in Texas were foreign-born.
Once more, they do not mention incentives. The importation of so many foreign Democrat-voting STEM workers reduces the incentives for young Texans to put in the effort and take on the crushing debt of pursuing a STEM degree. The importation of foreign STEM workers puts downwards pressure on STEM wages, which discourages Texans from entering the rigorous fields. Then they tell us that Texans are not interested in STEM, and that we need to import even more STEM foreigners, which puts even more downward pressure on STEM wages. Are you seeing how this works?
And here’s another gem:
“Immigrants are more likely to move for a job, and they’re more likely to work odd hours, like nights and weekends,” Robbins said.
Ah! So they want cheap STEM slave labor! I’m sure Texas workers are so thankful that DMN is calling for this. DMN is betraying Texas workers by calling for this. It’s disgusting and it has to stop.
Despite it all, a nugget of truth slipped through Schnurman’s malicious voter-replacement article, as he unwittingly quotes economist Pia Orrenius:
There are many ways to address the labor shortage in the U.S., including boosting wages, increasing education, retraining workers and encouraging people to reverse the country’s declining birth rate.
Ah! So we could increase our birth rate or increase wages! But importing millions of cheap foreign workers tends to create downward pressure on wages. So how about we stop endless mass immigration, bring the wages up, increase our birth rates, and eliminate perverse incentives instead of importing millions of Democrat voters?
Unfortunately it is Federal Government policy to not enforce current immigration law becaues fake-president O’Biden wants more imported Democrat voters to steal the next election. So if the feds will not enforce the law, could it be time for a separation?