REVEALED: The DNC’s Plan to Run Democrats in TX GOP Races
The writing is on the wall for Democrats in this midterm election cycle. They are not going to win and they know it. Even the AWFL’s favorite tingle-maker, Robert Francis O’Rourke, is not being taken seriously by his own party. Our own admittedly anecdotal observations, suggest a complete lack of Democratic grassroots excitement for Skaterboy O’Rourke’s run for Governor. We’ve also noticed an absence of O’Rourke bumper stickers on vehicles, which were everywhere when he ran against Ted Cruz several years ago.
So what’s the deal? Why are Democrats set to perform so poorly?
It’s quite a few things really.
First, the face of the Democratic party is a senile and malicious idiot. Joe Brandon has to be walked and led everywhere like a lost puppy. He is unable to form complete, coherent sentences. And the backup face, Kamala Harris, doesn’t come off much better to voters.
Second, The Democratic Party continues to support Covid tyranny. Democrat voters (sheep) are still walking around wearing masks outdoors, despite the fact that the CDC has admitted that cloth masks don’t work. Yet Democratic Party officials and activists do not wear masks at their own special events or when they think they won’t get caught.
Third, the border is out of control. Democrats believe that enforcing immigration law is done out of the hatred for skin color, also known as “doing racism.”
Fourth, crime has increased dramatically because of the Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies, such as “bail reform” and decriminalizing shoplifting. Democrats believe that arresting and imprisoning criminals would be—get this—“racist,” due to their fundamental belief in CRT. So they just set criminals free and give them free rein. Voters have noticed this.
Fifth, inflation is running at 7%, the highest it has been since 1982, because of the Democrat’s big spending policies. Although workers have gotten raises, the raises have been lower than inflation, which means they actually got a pay cut.
Sixth, Brandon has done something no other president has ever done—he went after people’s jobs. He began his administration by firing pipeline workers, and more recently followed up with decrees firing employees for not getting experimental injections. Thus, he’s polling worse than ever. I don’t know about y’all, but we’ve yet to see a pro-Biden hat.
Voters are holding Democrats responsible for our failing economy and infrastructure. The failure to open our country back up to normalcy is largely due to propaganda peddled by Democratic Party representatives, the media (liberals), social media organizations (liberals), and any company still forcing their employees to get vaccinated and continue masking.
Yet, having said the above, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) isn’t as stupid as many think, and should not be underestimated. Not only do they have the propaganda (news media), and tools (social media), to spread their lies, but they’re also incredibly good at scheming. And they have their sights set on Texas…
A former Democratic Party politician, whose name is being withheld to protect his identity, has informed Current Revolt of the DNC’s plan to run its operatives in GOP races in Texas, from state rep positions all the way down to city council elections.
Said politician approached the DNC about running in his area. At a meeting to discuss the matter, the DNC informed the candidate he needed to run as a Republican because they know they may not win any seats this election cycle. The DNC indicated they are doing this in races across the board, including state representatives, judges, city councilmen. They also offered to help fund his race.
The DNC indicated that it doesn’t plan on winning many elections with this strategy, but that it will help move the needle a bit further to the left and it forces real Republican candidates to waste money in primaries against fake GOP candidates. It’s what’s called a “penetration test” in the tech world. The objective is to see how weak the GOP is, what they’re willing to tolerate in “Republicans”, and if the GOP is incapable of detecting leftist infiltrators.
To anyone who has had their ears very close to the ground, this isn’t anything groundbreaking or surprising. But to those who aren’t working in politics for a living or just happen to catch whatever news they get on TV or Twitter, this is shocking.
We’ve seen hints of this already in several races across Texas.
There is Mahdi Rostamizadeh, using the fake name “Matt Rostami,” running against Angela Paxton in Collin County. Why would Rostami waste $260,000 of his own money running a race he absolutely will not win?
Why is Rostami, who donated money to Ilhan Omar and voted for Joe Biden even bothering to run as a Republican in this race? Is it because there isn’t a remote chance that a Democrat would win in that area?
There’s also Melissa Wilson-Williams, who modified her campaign name to “Melissa M Wilson” to run for office in a GOP primary. Melissa previously ran as a leftist Democrat against Al Green, was endorsed by a Black Panther related group, was anti-second-amendment, anti-Trump and pro-reparations for blacks. Why is she suddenly running a campaign as a “conservative” in a GOP race?
Then you have Amin Salahuddin who is running as a Republican in HD 136.
Salahuddin has a solid Democrat voting history:
Salahuddin also has several donations to Democrats:
Why is he running as a Republican after years of Democrat voting and donations to Democrats?
The Democratic Party infiltration is not limited to just candidates either. Many political candidates and activists have begun noticing that Democrat-controlled/run consultants and organizations are working on GOP campaigns.
Take Foxhole Strategies Consulting LLC. This is a consulting firm based in Dallas that is working on quite a few GOP campaigns across Texas, including Matt Rostami for Texas State Senate.
We spoke to Vicente Torres, candidate for McKinney City Council who said he was approached by President of Foxhole Strategies, Joshua Frick. According to Torres, Frick approached him offering to work on his campaign. When Torres responded that he didn’t have the funds to afford Frick’s fees, Frick told him that if he was not hired he would work for Torres’ opponent instead. The rest of the story, accord to Torres, is that Frick told him he was “in this to win campaigns and build his business.”
Frick later offered Torres a different deal, whereby Torres would openly attack Attorney General Ken Paxton, and, in return, Frick would work for Torres for free since Frick was “working” with the Louie Gohmert campaign. Torres declined this offer. At this point Frick counter-proposed that he could work for free if Torres would not openly endorse Ken Paxton and stay out of the attorney general race completely. Torres also declined this offer.
We checked Louie Gohmert’s TEC report and found nothing mentioning Foxhole Strategies.
What does Foxhole Strategies Consulting LLC have to do with Democrats in our party? Well we have to look at who is running it:
Joshua Frick is the President of Foxhole Strategies. Frick not only has a Democratic voting record as recently as 2020, but, according to Frick himself, he also worked on the Democrat Victor Harris for US Senate campaign, the Democrat Heidi Briones for US House campaign, the Democrat Jonathan Herzog for US House campaign, and the Democrat David Kim for US House campaign, among several others.
Joshua Frick had fully endorsed Democrat Andrew Yang for president as well as Universal Basic Income, or universal handouts, as seen in the screenshot from the Andrew Yang Dallas Facebook group, “Dallas, TX Yang Gang.”
So why did Frick switch parties and suddenly concern himself with GOP races specifically in Texas? Not sure, but more powerful people than us need to be asking these questions.
As we stated earlier, the Democrats know they are not going to win. They also know that in the last red wave election of 2010 all a candidate had to do to win was to have an R by their name, which, as we all know, resulted in a few kooky and awful candidates getting elected. The Democrats have decided that if they can’t beat us, they could try joining us, cause us trouble, and perhaps get a few Democrats elected by putting Rs by their names.
That all being said, it’s incredibly important to inform yourself of who a candidate, or organization, really is. Endorsements by fake PACs or shady grassroots groups should matter very little when making your voting decisions.
So what can someone do to check into these candidates and organizations? is one place to check individual contributions.
You can also check the website to find both individual contributions and candidate expenditures.
You can also check out the Texas Ethics Commission website for information on candidate expenditures and what they’re purchasing with donations.
Lastly, you can contact your party chair or SREC rep to have them search an individuals voter history. This will tell you how often they voted and which primaries, if any, they voted in, such as Democrat or Republican.
Stay vigilant.
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