Double Oak, TX Giving Free Money to Ten People
Money meant for Covid relief was dumped on pay raises for all ten town employees
It’s not just Austin grifting off superflu grants. According to an anonymous source, the small town of Double Oak just approved $25,000 bonuses for all town employees, regardless of perceived competence.
The source also revealed the order was made just before three new non-corrupt councilmen were sworn in, knowing they would not back such proposals. Numerous citizens asked why said relief money, $280,000 in total, was not used on roads and drainage but received no answers from Double Oak Mayor Von Beougher. In fact, Beougher never publicized his unilateral order until a month later.
Among those slated for bonuses was the Double Oak Police, according to the Mayor. However, two officers passed away during that time, and we have heard one of the officers never got a bonus for their estate. We reached out to the Town Secretary for information (she has not responded), and will update accordingly. Update (7/8/22): Town Secretary recently sent a list of recipients; while the estate of one deceased Officer named Lonnie Sneed obtained bonus money, the estate of Officer Mestas however was never sent said money.
We normally reach out to town authorities for questioning, but considering reports the Mayor is an arrogant curmudgeon who referred to winning Town Councilmen as “clowns,” we doubt he would respond.
One of our thousands-strong and growing followers sent us video from a Town Hall meeting, where concerned locals interrogated Beougher.
Even State Republican SREC official Jill Glover grilled Beougher over his misdeeds.
Afterward, Mayor Pro Tem Patrick Johnson presented a timeline of events.
Johnson showed a list of "concerns" regarding the premium pay, which boils down to the mayor's decision to authorize it himself. No public discussions have been held on how to spend the SLFRF funding, the presentation alleged, and the premium pay authorization came a week prior to the seating of the newest council members — Johnson and Schoenrade being two of those three.
There were also concerns of whether or not the town had used the funds within the SLFRF guidelines. Johnson said that after a meeting with the town attorney, he contacted an auditor for that purpose. An audit of the relief funds would cost between $2,000 and $5,000.
Johnson unveiled "next steps" for the town to take, which included creating an ordinance that "clearly states the financial limits of the town mayor and others who are authorized to disburse town funds." He also didn't rule out seeking an investigation, pending the results of the audit.
"There's no interpretation taking place with this; we're just trying to present the facts," Johnson said. "The Double Oak citizens need to hold the mayor and the previous town council accountable."
To save you brain cells, Mayor Beougher and Treasurer Billie Garrett embarked on VERY overlong defenses of the former’s power-trip, with obfuscation abound and Garrett blubbering in some parts (when confronted, cue waterworks). Before we continue, we must say if you are going to perpetrate a screwjob, have the decency to get to the point. Long-windedness is not a virtue; yappiness does not signal superiority (Matthew 6:7).
That said, no amount of yammering justifies unilaterally wasting $250,000 instead of using it for the public good; as many Double Oakers emphasized, the town direly needs road and drainage infrastructure (literally draining the swamp). Abusing superflu money is not relegated to blue megacities, but is rampant throughout Texas.
Fortunately, this story might have a happy ending, considering an audit started yesterday, and Town Council seems willing to hold Mayor Beougher accountable. Many Texas localities are not so lucky; if you know corrupt and idiotic ways your town wastes Covid money, contact us at
You should also look into the murdering hospitals in the area like Baylor Grapevine that collected around 19 million for COVID murders.