The Virulent White Supremacy of the Bluebonnet
We are living in a time of unprecedented progress. People have realized that you can be as fat as you want without having to experience judgement. People have realized that borders are fake, and are actually just made-up lines on a map.
We’ve learned that families are stronger when there are less numbers of them and they are broken. We’ve learned that gender, race, and reality are all just social constructs created by Democrats.
Sports teams are also being reined in for their hateful names. Teams like the Redskins, the Indians, and the Blackhawks, to name just a few, are finally recognizing that they were actually evil all along
We are so blessed at this unprecedented time, when a global pandemic has killed most of the people on the earth, to be able to buy things from Jeff Bezos. Mr. Bezos uses his wealth gained from Amazon to better the nation. Recently, his paper exposed the structural racism in the name of the Texas Rangers baseball team.
Obviously, much more work needs to be done in order to cure our racism as a country. In order to do that, we have to brutally crush anything that has to do with white people, as well as things that could be interpreted as relating to white people.
The State flower of Texas, the bluebonnet, is a symbol of absolutely tyrannical white supremacy.
The blatant bigotry of this flower can be found in its history.
When the bluebonnet was first adopted as the state flower in 1901, the species Lupinus subcarnosus was the only recognized species as the official state flower. This species was more inclusive and had its colors evenly distributed.
However, in 1971, in the peak of American skin hating, the Texas legislature adopted a measure expanding the category of state flower to any similar Lupinus species. This was done with the sole intent of popularizing the more hateful variants of this flower, such as Lupinus texensis.
The Lupinus texensis species of flower reinforces the stereotype that it is the natural order of things that whites are at the top, and darker colored peoples are below them.
Thankfully, our country now has affirmative action and civil rights laws to deter this from happening naturally under the white supremacist idea of “merit.”
The fact remains, as long as this flower is allowed to exist, Texas will continue to fall short of achieving racial justice.
Originally published on Current Revolt July 29, 2020